The Forgotten Lands

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The Forgotten Lands that's now even I the world. Yes, not anymore but a long time ago The Forgotten Lands were a highly known are thriving with humans. Why do you say humans as if you aren't one. I'm not I am a Dragon Rider. That is the second time you said are you expecting me to believe dragons exist an you ride them? Yes I also know lots of spells and medicines that can be very dangerous or beneficial. Okay than prove it, Rasheen said in aver sarcastic voice. I have already shown you one of the medicines I crafted. When you awoke you lost your hearing. When I blew that powder in your face your hearing instantly returned. That's just a coincidence, Rasheen said angrily. The rider could tell Rasheen was frustrated, and hostile towards him. Alright then the rider said with a sigh. I shall show you a spell since the medicine takes a while to craft, and I can tell your very impatient. Rasheen say there staring
the rider down to make sure he doesn't pull any phony tricks. With a flash of light the rider had set himself I fire, but it didn't seem to burn him. Even when he walked I've to Rasheen and touched him the fire did not hurt. The rider extinguished himself in a flash, than said do you believe me now. Rasheen shook his head nervously scared at what the rider might do if he was angered. The rider simply said do not be afraid I will not harm you. Harming one of my Dragon rider brethren is a crime punishable by death. The Forgotten Lands is a dangerous world that Dragon riders must watch over. In the area we are currently in is the Crystal City. It is a neutral zone area. If anyone was to attack it even the highest up of lords. They would surely be put to death. The Forgotten Lands was a beautiful place, or it was. When humans began finding ways to acquire riches their greed over came them. Many murdered civilians thinking they ha to protect their riches. Many left to hide in dungeons or cities where they were not known. Soon those who murdered for riches had to be put down, and buried with the tainted riches they so badly wanted to protect. The ones that left to hide, soon grew even richer and began building up the world you now know. After that The Lands were abandoned, and some destroyed.

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