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?:.....I have been floating in here for....HOURS DAYS WEEK YEAR I DONT KNOW WHY..



[welcome to the fictional Gacha system]

?: what? uhhhhhh? you have a tutorial

[yes to start say Gacha stats]

?: Gacha stats

[name: akuma


Gacha skills: gamers regeneration: you will regenerate limbs blood muscles any thing about you even your history and backstory, Gacha soul: your soul and mind will always be protected by the system and your soul will adapt to any thing you get from the system Gacha and you will always be emotionally stable


[good now say Gacha spin and the amount which will be free for the first timers]

Akuma: Gacha spin 16


[w-what l-luck y-you h-have]

[annihilation maker, creation quirk, ice release, full counter, custom sacred gear, custom sacred gear, boosted gear, divine dividing, custom sacred gear, custom sacred gear, custom sacred gear, custom sacred gear, custom gaster blaster, custom trigger(world trigger), custom trigger(world trigger) Alektor(world trigger)]

Akuma: ... let's start with the triggers the first one will be a mix of vorvoros and yumas trigger and Speiraskia and will look like a cloak with a hood and gas mask and have an effect of letting out harmless black mist the second will be a mix of fujin and the tails and wings and stuff from Tokyo ghoul and the blacklight virus all in one that will be four tails one looks like a mix of metal bone crystal and the black light virus and be red and black and grey scale like and one tail will look like a mix of the energy from world trigger from the fujin blade but more like a tail but the blades coming from fujin will be see through tails that wiggle in and out of the tail which is purple one tail will look like a chain mixed with blacklight virus and the end will have a bladed circle while the last tail will have scales in the shape of shields and the blacklight virus then combine those two triggers together the tail some out the cloak and stay out but in a silk form as a design on the cloak name it battle the custom gears one named transmute garden it allow the user to change one item into an item for creation or use it for battle the second gear will be named garden of towers it makes towers or other things which will hold what I want in it if I created it or it forms naturally in it the third is called puppet shop I can create a puppet from items I have if I want to creat one it will be created from the items or powers or skills I have fourth one will called strings of reapers it will allow me to make string out of anything and uses it on a puppet or in battle the fifth one is called extractor gear now the sixth is fusion gear now us fusion and extractor gear on all the gears the creation quirk and ice release and full counter and the battle cloak to make the cloak of disaster it will be a skill and will give me a anbu pants ninja shoes and fishnet long sleeve shirt and black sleeveless vest with multiple pockets and hidden pockets and it's unreakable and black fingerless gloves with red metal plates and the ninja shoes have metal soles and top mixed with the best klevar and best comfort and the cloak says the same but has a puppet sitting on a tower and crystal spikes and vines with a garden and finally the egg looking trigger will be turned into a runic cube but it will have only metal and crystal and scales and ice for it and connect it to the cloak with it's skill then have it connected by a chain like string to the corner to the cube it will be renamed disaster cube... Gacha stats

[name: akuma


Gacha skills: gamers regeneration: you will regenerate limbs blood muscles any thing about you even your history and backstory, Gacha soul: your soul and mind will always be protected by the system and your soul will adapt to any thing you get from the system Gacha and you will always be emotionally stable

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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