Chapter 5: Lurking in the Loch

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Edinburgh, Scotland. Friday, May 25, 2007.

"Do officials know when the theft occurred?" Peter asked.

"They believe it was after January 14," Neal said. "That was the date the ring was examined by a gemologist. It had been lent to the French for an exhibition at the Louvre on French jewels of the eighteenth century. The National Museum has standard procedures in place for verification of artworks upon their return."

"I bet they were mortified when Sara pointed out the issue."

Neal chuckled. "They were red-faced about it. The emerald was an excellent copy, but a loupe examination quickly revealed it was manmade."

Neal caught Peter in his office shortly before he was due to leave to meet El at the townhouse. The McNally Solitaire posed several complexities. Peter tended to agree with Neal that a possible link to Phoenix needed to be investigated.

Neal called from the hotel suite rather than the museum and Peter understood why after he revealed that he and Klaus had studied the gem. Although Neal didn't say that was why Sara alerted officials, Peter knew that was the cause. It was a smart move. Neal had made a name for himself in the art world but very few knew of his expertise with gemstones.

The more troubling issue was whether Klaus was involved in the theft. After Neal left his crew, had Klaus secured another jewel forger? Was he conning them by working for the French while continuing his activities as Phoenix? Without his help, they wouldn't have recovered the Mona Lisa, but he could have sacrificed the Austrian client to secure his liberty.

"I assume you told Hobhouse?" Peter prompted.

"Yes. He's also aware of the history Klaus and I have with the ring. I haven't contacted Marcel yet." Neal took an audible breath. "Klaus may know of a forger who works with antique gems. On the other hand ..."

"By telling him, Marcel would alert him that the forgery has been discovered. That's a tough decision for his handler to make."

"Exactly," Neal said gloomily. "I believe Klaus is sincere, but I realize I'm not the best person to judge. I value your and Henry's input. Could you talk it over with him and let me know?"

"I will," Peter promised. "What was John's advice?"

"He thinks we shouldn't discuss it with Klaus and Marcel for the time being. The other reason I'm calling is that the National Museum isn't using the malware Aidan's company developed. They're not alone. Many gem collections are displayed either in natural history museums or special vaults. I know Diana and Sara asked Aidan to look into jewelry heists. The National Museum is willing is have him review their software as well. John will handle the details."

"Will Aidan be able to pull himself away from Red Sands?" Peter joked.

Neal chuckled. "For this, he and Travis both will. If there's any connection to Rolf, I bet they'll find it."

* * * * *

"You handled it the right way," Sara said. She'd sat beside Neal on the loveseat during the call, offering silent support. "Peter was reading between the lines. He'll discuss it with Henry and get back to you."

Neal nodded silently, his mind elsewhere. After a moment, he took a breath and smiled at her. "Was this what it was like for Peter when I started working for him as a consultant? Was he constantly wondering if I was playing him?"

"No," she said firmly. "You and Klaus aren't alike. You didn't betray Peter as Klaus has you. You didn't run a long con against Peter before you started working for him. Rolf is a master manipulator." She drew him close to her. "You're an expert at many skills—forgeries, burglaries, cons." She lowered her voice and placed her hand on his thigh. "Making love."

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