1.First meet

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Nobody's POV:

A beautiful girl with blue  eyes  and short piss blonde hair was on her way home. She decided to go to park first cuz she wanted some alone time   with her food. 

As she reached the park she heard some noises so she looked at the way where the noises were coming from. She decided to go and watch what was happening.

When she went there she saw a boy with black hair and black eyes was getting beaten up by some guys. She went to them and told them to stop.

"HUH!? And what if i don't stop what can a girl like you can do"-Guy1

" She  would definitely cry her eyes out HAHAHAH"-Guy2

They all started making fun of her  she kept quiet , she was looking down the whole time. It looked like as if she was holding back her tears ,  the black hair guy who was getting beaten up  was going to say something. When he found one of the guys laying at the ground with a bleeding nose. He looked at the girl and saw her beating other guys up too. After a few minutes they all were  on the ground with a bleeding wounds.

His mouth was wide open he couldn't belive his eyes. That A beautiful fragile looking girl beat some guys twice her size. He just looked at the beat up guys with an wide open mouth when he suddenly felt a soft fabric on his face he looked  at the handkerchief and then at the girl.

His eyes widened as he just realised that the girl infront of him looked like an angel. She was so beautiful.....the way the sun rays looked at her skin it was almost as she was glowing her blue oceanic eyes were shining.

He was too busy staring  as he didn't even notice that she was waving her hands infront of her. When he finally  came back to his senses he blushed in embarrassment and looked away.

The girl was worried about him. She was thinking why is he acting like this? Did they hurt his head a little to hard or something.

“Are you okay....??”-??

The guy just nodded his head and looked at her.

"Thanks.....for.... saving me"-??

She just smiled at him and he blushed once again. She hold his hands and slowly made him stand.

She guided him to the swings and made him sit there. She came forward and  started treating his wounds with some medicine which she had with her.

"I-if you don't mind what is your name??"-??

Asked the guy. She  smiled  and introduced herself.

I am Hanagaki Takemichi-Takemichi

"Thanks for saving me once again takemichi"-??

"It's not a big deal"-Takemichi

Takemichi said with a smile. The black head introduced himself too afterwards.

“I'm Shichinchiro Sano ”-Shichinchiro

Said with a smile , they later on talked for a while as it was getting dark and Shichinchiro was injured Takemichi offered him to come to her house since it wasn't that far.

He said yes and went with her at her place. When they got at her house he found out that she lives alone. He also found out they were the same age. Later onwards she re-treated  his wounds since now she has stuffs to properly treat his wounds.

She offered him to stay the night. He refused at first but the girl was to stubborn to listen so he gave up.

Shichinchiro's POV:-

When i finally gave up on going back home she went and prepared her guest room for me. I was way to grateful for her cuz she saved me.

After sometime she started cooking for us. I helped her a bit too since it wouldn't be nice if i didn't since she helped alot today.

When the food was ready we ate. Her cooking was amazing. After we did the dishes together it felt like we were a newly married couple. I blushed a bit when i thought that.

Later i got a call from home and i told them i won't come home today. They were okay with it since i am not a kid and i can protect myself. Even tho  i couldn't protect myself earlier but i can.

I heard her calling me.  I went to her and she gave me some clothes to change into. After changing my clothes i went to sleep and so did she.

Time skip -----⟩⟩

I woke up because someone called me  in phone. I was not happy to wake up at all as i was having a very nice dream. I ignored it for a bit but it won't stop ringing so  i got annoyed and picked it up.

WHO TF ARE YOU!?⟩-shichinchiro

⟨ geez.....chill dude its me  wakasa  i called cuz i heard you were beaten up by some guys yesterday?⟩-Wakasa

.........how did you find out about it...?⟩-Shichinchiro

⟨so it was true....someone saw you getting beaten  up by some dudes.⟩-Wakasa

....why didn't THEY HELPED ME THEN!?⟩-Shichinchiro

how would i know why?.....anyways i came to your house but you weren't there where are you?⟩-Wakasa

.....i....am at a frie----⟩-shichinchiro

As i was about tell wasak about where i was Takemichi suddenly came in the room after calling my name. I froze for a second. Wakasa was not saying anything as well pretty sure he heard her. When he was finally about to say something about it  i cut the call.

"Ummm   did i came in a wrong time??"-Takemichi

"AH- definitely not i was as just talking with my friend that's all "-Shichinchiro

I said trying to change the subject which it worked. She then told me to come down and eat breakfast.

Wakasa's POV:

When i called Shichinchiro to ask about him getting beaten up by some guys was true or not.  He asked me about how did i know which confirms that he did got beaten up by some dudes. Then i asked where he is cuz when i went at his place his siblings said he didn't came back yesterday.  As he was saying where he was a very beautiful voice called his name

I  at a frien-----⟩-Shichinchiro


I was shocked to hear that voice then i realised it was a girls voice as i was about to ask why there was a girl with him. He hanged up on me.

"How tf did he GET INTO A GIRLS PLACE!?"-Wakasa

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