2.She is beautiful.

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Shichinchiro's POV:

Just after i got home i was greeted by an curious wakasa. He came towards me and straight up asked who was that girl and why was in her house.

I just told him to sit down and chill out a bit. I then told him the whole story. And he asked

"Do you have any pictures of her....."-Wakasa

I was quite shocked by what he just asked. I looked at him with my mouth and eyes wide open.

"Don't look at me like that..."-Wakasa

He said embarrassed. I just noded and take out my phone from my pocket. I unlocked my phone and showed him a pic of takemichi that i took secretly.

Wakasa's POV:

When Shichinchiro showed me the girl's pic i was to shocked. There was a beautiful girl with blue eyes and blonde hair.

"She is beautiful..."-Wakasa

"I know right...she is not just beautiful.....she is strong as well...."-Shichinchiro

When i heard him say that it made me want to meet this girl. I asked for her name and he said her name is Hanagaki Takemichi.

I want to meet her soon i thought to myself.

Nobody's POV :

Kids can be seen playing in the playground. Our takemichi was in the playground as well watching the kids play. She noticed some kids looking at her so she smiled and waved her hand at them.

One of them noticed and came towards her. He had blonde hair and black eyes those eyes reminded her of Shichinchiro. When the blonde kid came to her the other kids followed him and went to her as well.

"I saw you yesterday....you beat up some dudes."-??

she heard him she just nervously smiled and avoided eye contact with the blonde kid. Then the other kid with black hair and fang like teeth said.

"There's no way a girl like her can. Beat some dudes up mikey"-??

She assumed that the blondes name is Mikey. And looked at them.

"No i am sure it's her baji"-??

The kid named baji just rolled his eyes at him. Takemichi was just sitting there trying to figure out what was going on.

"That guy you saved yesterday was my brother...."-??

She looked at the blonde named Mikey with slightly wide eyes. And smiled and said.

"Ahh! So i was right....you are his Little brother?"-Takemichi

She asked and the blonde nodded his head. She then ruffled his hair while saying.

"No wonder i found your eyes similar to his. Whats your name ??"-Takemichi

"Manjiorou sano. But call me Mikey."-??

" Oh! You got quite a good name. I am Takemichi Hanagaki. Mikey-kun"-Takemichi

She said a with a very beautiful smile on her face the kids were too stunned to say something. But Mikey said something which left takemichi speechless.

"I want you to marry me when i grow up Takemichy!!"-Mikey

"We will see when you grow up mikey"-Takemichi

After that all the kids which were with Mikey introduced themselves and played with her for a bit. Mikey then tookher to his place even tho she refused he didn't listened to her and just dragged her with him at his place.


He shouted. She just nervously smiled at him cuz she didn't know what to do. She then heard someone coming towards them so she looked up and so Shichinchiro with a guy.

Shichinchiro's POV:

When we heard Mikey saying he had a visitor with him. Me and wakasa went to see who is this "Visitor" of Mikey.

I was surprised to see Takemichi there. She awkwardly smiled and waved her hand as a hi.

I didn't know what to say. As i was to lost wakasa went to takemichi and looked at her up and down takemichi was too confused to say anything.

I saw wakasa nod his head. Soon he said.

"You are mine from now own "-Wakasa

I looked at him with wide eyes i can see Takemichi with a Little blush and wide eyes as well.

As for wakasa i couldn't see his face but i am sure he was smirking with that lolipop in his mouth.

I was about to say something when suddenly takemichi spoke up.

"Ohh~ am i now?"-Takemichi

I was just standing there with an wide open mouth and eyes.

Mikey came between them and said.

"She is mine !"-Mikey

I was way to shocked to see what is going on the girl i like is getting claimed by others who are supposed to be my loved ones. I was in disbelief.

Shichinchiro be like:

Shichinchiro be like:

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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