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When Jane was chosen to come back to life, Karnak gave the choir a chance to say goodbye to Jane, Which was 30 minutes.
Jane and Ricky had build up quite a good relationship in just that one hour. They might've even caught feelings for eachother.
"I suppose this is it."
Ricky says, Jane and him standing across eachother.
There was a silence between them for a second.
"I love you, Jane."
Ricky says.
"I love you too, Ricky. But you don't understand. You don't even know who I am, and neither do i. We don't know eachother."
Jane answered. Before Ricky could say something, Karnak announced something.
"Our time is up. Her name was Penny lamb."
Karnak announced, Jane/Penny walking forward.
Penny looked over her shoulder for a second.
"Goodbye, Ricky."
She said, when she walked towards her life again.


I woke up at the fair. I was alive again, and had my own head. I miss the others so much, especially Ricky.

My parents didn't believe my story about us being in the warehouse, but they didn't know how I was alive again either.


I died. Again. This time, it wasn't by the Cyclone. I fell off a building. Not on purpose or anything, it was an accident.
I woke up, just like last time, but not in a warehouse, but in a sort of neighborhoud. I suppose that this was the afterlife.

I was there for a few minutes, while I started exploring where I was. I was in a big grassy field. Suddenly, I noticed someone.


IT WAS RICKY! (Strangely, looking the same as when he died. And I look like myself from 3 years ago.

"Jane- i mean, Penny, how did you end up here??"
Ricky asked.
"I died, obviously. I fell off a building."
Penny answered.
"Well uh, welcome to the afterlife. Even though Karnak told us you'd be here, im still surprised."
Ricky said.
"Wait- Karnak? Wasnt his power cut out?"
Penny asked.
"Well, yeah, but you know how he said that he didnt know what would happen next? Well, apparently, he came to the afterlife with us, and since we were the last people he predicted the future of, his box is now standing in our living room. And this is a good time to mention that the whole choir lives in the same house."
Ricky answered.
"That's a lot of info."
Penny said.
"Follow me, ill take you to our house!"
Ricky said while dragging Penny to their house.

When they entered their house, Noel and Mischa were sitting on the couch, Mischa's arm around Noel. And Ocean and Constance were baking something in the kitchen.
Penny stared at Noel and Mischa for a second, none of the choir really noticing that Penny just walked in.
"Are they finally together?"
Penny asked ricky while pointing at them.
This time, the choir noticed Penny.
"OMG, hi Penny!!"
Noel said while smiling and waving at her.
"What about Karnak in the corner right there?"
Penny points at Karnak, who's box is in the corner.
"Oh we just talk to him whenever we want, he's got infinite power now, it's the afterlife."
Ocean answers.
"And I can still predict futures in the normal world, but i can only tell them here. The living sadly cannot hear their future."
Karnak adds.

Penny moved in with the choir in their house, the afterlife had everything.


Ricky says;
"Im glad your here, Penny."

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