Wu Family

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The Wu family has been a scholar family since their great-great grandfather's generation, thus most of the members of the Wu family are scholars. 

The Wu family has three children, the oldest son Wu Ning, and the twin sister Bai Ling and Bai Qing. Unlike her older brother and older sister Bai Qing wanted to be more than just a scholar, she wanted to be a warrior. 

Their parents were fine with what Bai Qing wanted to do but must still be on top of her class as she came from a scholarly family. Bai Qing was an outgoing girl to woman, unlike her older sister and brother who stayed at home. When Bai Ling and Bai Qing turned 15, their parents passed away while on a trip. Their aunt was the nanny of the prince in the palace, so when their aunty took the three of them into the palace. 

Their older brother went to serve the court as a minor minister, and the twin was left to be the lady in waiting for the only princess as well as the princess's learning companion since their family was served and has been loyal to the king so when their parents passed away they were granted permission to live in a nice mission in the capital and even have living quarter inside of the palace. 

Once the funeral was attended, the three of them moved to the capital and went to serve the royal family as they were appointed to. The oldest son went to serve the state as he was appointed to and even though it was nothing major but he slowly made his way up while his sisters got along with the princess just fine. 

Just like that 3 years went by and the twin became 18 as their brother safely became 23. The king was throwing a feast to also celebrate the prince's 22nd birthday and the princess turning 19. The palace was bustling, Bai Ling was running around helping the princess get ready but Ye Lan was nowhere to be found. 

"Where did she go." Bai Ling complained as she helped the princess with her hair 

"A'Ling, the pin is slanted." the princess said to her and she quickly apologized and fixed the hairpin

"Still trying to find Qing Qing?" the princess asked her and Bai Ling nodded

"I don't know where A'Qing went, she knows that we have to bring you to the palace and go help the kitchen as well." Bai Ling said and the princess chuckled 

"She is probably out there sneaking around in the kitchen, don't worry about her. You will have to stay with me at the banquet since Father and Brother will probably be talking about politics." the princess said to her and Bai Ling nodded.

Bai Qing was walking around the palace as she had just come out from the kitchen with some snacks and was going to lurk around the palace hall or outside of the banquet but as she was running about she bumped into a young man. 

"I'm so sorry!" Bai Qing knew that most of the people that were coming in today were ministers or royalty from other kingdoms, she didn't dare to look up into the face of the person she bumped into scared of putting her older siblings into trouble 

"Please be at ease, it was nothing to worry about." the low voice said to her as he handed her back the hairpin that has dropped out of her hair and she thanked him

"It is rude to not look at the person you're showing your gratitude to." he said to her and she sighs quietly as she looked up with a rigid smile 

"T-Thank you." Bai Qing said to him and rushed away from there without looking back, not knowing where to go back she ran to the princess's quarter but her sister and the princess has already left so she walk back to their place and to her room. As she took a seat in her room a knock came at her door

"Who is it?" Bai Qing asked 

"It's me, miss." the servant's voice answered her 

"Come in." Bai Qing said and the door opened as the maid walked into the room with food on a tray, Bai Qing got up excitedly towards the table in her room

"How did you know I would come back here, A'su?" Bai Qing asked the maid who chuckled 

"Miss Ling told me to make sure that you got to have dinner because you weren't there at the banquet and the young master also gave me a heads up that if you can't find the princess them, you would probably come back to hide out in your room." A'Su said to her and she chuckled as she picked up her chopstick 

"Ling-ling and A'Ning know me best." Bai Qing said as dismissed the maid and ate her dinner before she stole a jug of wine from her brother's cellar and went to enjoy it on the roof 

"Moonlight reflects off the front of my bed.

Could it actually be the frost on the ground?

I look up to view the bright moon,

And look down to reminisce about my hometown."

Bai Qing said a poem as she sip on her wine, it was a simple poem but it suited the night and the full moon as she finished the poem a voice chuckled from below the roof. Bai Qing startled got up and saw a man standing not too far from her room but she doesn't know this man.

"Who are you?" Bai Qing asked as she reached to her side but she had left her sword in her room while she had dinner and did not bring it up with her as she was viewing the moon

"May I view the moon with you?" he asked her and she recognized the voice, it was the man from earlier 

"Who are you? Why did you follow me?!" Bai Qing asked him but as she raised her voice, she hear the maid 

"Miss!" A'Su was making her way toward her room, Bai Qing doesn't yell at people normally so the maid came running when she heard her mistress yell. Bai Qing looked toward the maid and when she looked back the man was already gone. 

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