Bai Qing

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Once Bai Qing heard the news, she was worried for her sister. The crown prince and the princess along with the king have been like family to her and her family. Not to mention that their father died to protect this kingdom, and she felt angry at her sister and everyone for hiding this fact from her. She storms into the courtroom during the king's meeting

It was a week after the Su kingdom party had left that the king decree the three siblings of the Wu family to become princes and princesses to honor their dead father and also to engage the prince to the middle child of the Wu family. Even though she wanted to be a general more than a princess but her sister refused to let her become a general, but the king allowed her to come and go in court just like the other general and ambassador and since then she has contributed quite a lot for their kingdom. 

So much so, that she was given a gown to be worn when she come to court for the report as the king's assistant. 

"Princess Wu Qing enters the court!" the eunuch announced outside of the courtroom, the rest of the rooms waited for her to come into the room as always. Bai Qing has made it clear that she deserve their respect and even more for being much younger than them but she was just as and maybe even more capable then they are. 

"Wu Qi (her court name) greet your Majesty. May you live a long long life." Bai Qing bow down and the king smile 

"Stand up Princess Wu Qi, what brought you into the courtroom today? As I know there's nothing on the agenda for you today." the king said to her kindly and she got up with a blank face 

"But it should concern me, your majesty." Bai Qing said 

"I know that you all want to honor my father by honoring me and my siblings, but your majesty I cannot let that start a war. Especially a war that could be prevented." Bai Qing said and the king smile 

"But my child, your sister is the love of my son's life. What would he do without her? Not to mention, they are doing this to look down on us, as the king if I can't even prevent this. Who will believe in me and my power to protect them?" the king asked her and she nodded

"His Majesty is right, your highness! We can't just let them look down on us, we're no cowards!" one of the magistrates said to her and she turned around to look at them, all of them were old now. All of them were around her father's age, they've not found any new or worthy people to step into court that young at all 

"But what of the women, the elderly, and children outside of these walls? Have we asked them if they are ready for another war to break out? Have we asked the young men who had just returned from a long war from five years ago if they wanted to fight again? Have you all thought of your family before your pride?" Bai Qing asked them and the room went quiet

"I am not saying that if we give way; we'll become cowards. Before we do anything, we should think of the citizens and morale of our soldiers, all of the lives that will perish when the war starts but most of all; the lives that could be saved if there was no war." Bai Qing said and the king sighs

"But what of A'li and A'Yu wedding? It won't be just A'yu who is heartbroken but also your sister too. Do you not pity them?" the king asked her and she turned to look at him with a smile 

"Your majesty, why should I pity them when they can still have their wedding?" Bai Qing said to the king who looked at her confused 

"What do you mean?" the king asked 

"I will marry the prince of the Su kingdom under the guise of my sister." Bai Qing said and they all started talking as if they have never thought of this idea before, even the king was shocked at what she had just said 

"I do not agree!" a voice shouted from behind them, without turning around she knew that voice belonged to her older sister

Her older brother and older sister rushed into the courtroom. The two had tried their best to keep Bai Qing inside of their palace when they heard of the news, the two entertained Bai Qing with many things before she heard of the news. 

"Wu Li" "Wu Ye" "Greet your majesty, may your majesty live for a thousand years." the two of them bow to the king and the king granted them permission to stand up.

"Please do not listen to the nonsense of my sister." her older sister said to the king but Bai Qing was set to let another war break out

"Are you saying that want a war to break out? As a princess of the Min kingdom, how can you say that?" Bai Qing asked her sister who turned to look at her 

"I will go to the Su kingdom and....Marry the prince of the Su kingdom to stop this war." Bai Ling said but Bai Qing took hold of her sister

"No! I've promise Father to protect you and brother Ning!" Bai Qing said 

"But-" Bai Ling was about to say but was stopped by their brother

"Your majesty please let A'Qing go to the Su kingdom." her brother asked the king who looked at him 

"Oh, and here I thought that you'd come to stop her." the king said and Wu Ning sighs as he turned to look at his sister

"We all know the personality of Princess Wu Qing, if we agreed to send Wu Ling, we'll have to take precautions of her and if we refused this marriage she would probably run off to join in on the fight. As her brother, I disagree with her decision but as a minister of the royal court I do agree that what she said is the best course of action." Wu Ning said and Bai Qing smile 

"But brother-" Bai Ling was about to say but Bai Qing was quicker 

"That's right! Please, your majesty, it's for the good of the country." Bai Qing said and the king looked towards Bai Ling 

"And what do you have to say about this, Princess Wu Ling?" the king asked her and she sighs as she bows 

"Since the two of them already set their mind to it, I suppose there is nothing more we can do your majesty. I will agree with whatever you decide." Bai Ling said to the king and the king nodded

"What do you all think of this action?" the king asked the ministers inside the courtroom and they all kneeled down 

"We agree with Princess Wu Qing!" they all said in one voice and the king sighed 

"Then we shall do as the princess said and agree to this marriage, the court dismisses. Princess Wu Qing, please see me after this." the king said and got up from his seat and walked away.

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