Pärt Ønę , Chäptęr Twō
School Finally Ended & iiWuz Walking Home . It Wuz 4:45 & iiWuz Thinking About What Would Happen if iiWent to His House . What if We Kiss ? What if He Touches Me ? What am iiGoing to Wear ? Oh Shit iiGotta Get My Outfit ! iiRan Home & Went to go Take a Shower . iiPut on : Grey Zepsy Sweatpants , a White Boyish Tank Top , Cool Grey 12s & iiPut my Hair in a Messy Bun Cause Its Still Wet . After iiGot Dressed it Wuz 5:15 , Soo iiDecided to Do Some of my Homework . Shut up iiKnow Imma Nerd -.-' . iiChecked The Time Again & it Wuz 5:40 , Soo iiPut my Homework in My Bag , Put on my Varsity Jacket & Started Walking to Craigs House .
iiGot to The Front of His House & Rang The Door Bell . aFew Seconds Later he Came to Open The Door : No Shirt On , Black Sweatpants & Nike Socks . Oh My Ovaries . iiLicked My Lips & Bit Them Gazing at His Amazing 6 Pack . He Chuckled "Are You Gonna Come in ?"
iiSnapped Out of It "Ohh , Yeaah ." iiBlushed & Smiled Showing my Dimples , Walking Inside . He Has a Really Nice House : a Flat Screen in The Living Room With a Big Black & White Couch & a Black Love Seat .
"Follow me Upstairs to my Room ." Oh My God , am iiReally Going to His Room ? iiNeed to Stop Fangirling Over Him Like Hes Some Teen Pop Sensation . Hes Still My Best Friend , iiGuess . He Has a Big Room : a King Sized Bed With Red & Black Covers , a 52' Tv on The Wall & a Red Desk With a Mac Book Pro on it .
iiTook My 12s Off & Put Them Near The Closet . We Sat on The Bed & iiCrossed My Legs & Put my Bag on it .
"So Where Should we Start ?" iiSaid Taking Out a Notebook & a Pen & Opening it .
"She Said to Think of a Genre First ."
"Ok , So What do You Want The Genre to be ?"
"Romance ."
iiLooked at Him , Then The Paper . iiWrote "Genre : Romance" "What About The Title ?"
"That Someone Speical ."
iiWrote it at The Top of The Paper . "Theme ?"
"Anyone Can Fall inLove , You Just Have to Find That Speical Someone ."
"Were You Thinking of That Before iiCame Cause That Come Out Perfectly ?"
"iiAccutally Waz . iiTold You iiWaz Gonna Help With The Project ." He Smiled . iiSmiled , Looked Down & Continued Writing . "So Now we Need Characters ."
"Jaden , a Muscular Nigga Thats on The Basketball Team & Everyone Girl Wants Him ."
"If You Wanted me to Put Your Name Then You Could Have Just Asked ." iiShot at Him
"Haha Very Funny . & The Girl is Gonna be an Beautiful Insecure Nerd Girl With a Slim Kinda Curvy Body"
iiLooked & Him Kinda Blushing . "What Are You Trying to Imply Here ?"
"That Anyone Can Fall inLovee ." He Smiled .
iiBlushed Moree "Whats Her Name ?"
"Rose ."
"Thank You For Picking my Middle Name ." iiSaid Sarcasticly
"Ohh Thats Your Middle Namee ? Ohh iiForgot ."
"Of Coursee You Did ." iiMumbled Under my Breath
"Come on Now Jay , im Just Messing With You . You Know That iiKnow Every Lil Thing About You : Your Left Handed , You Kinda Chew With Your Mouth Open " he Chuckled "Your an Amazing Friend , You Like me..."
"What do You Mean iiLike You ?"
"Jordan iiKnow Everything About You . iiAnalyze Everything You do . You Cant Hide Anything From me" He Said Looking Deep Into Your Eyes . iiGazee Into His Eyes , Moving Closer Towards Him & he Kisses me . He Puts His Hand on my Cheek & iiPut my Hand on His Lap as he Pulls my Body Closer to His , Pulling me on Top of Him . iiContinue Kissing Holding His Facee While he Wraps His Arms Around my Waist . iiStop , Blush & Get Off of Him .
"Im Sorry iiWaz Jus-" he Waz Saying Before You Stopped Him
"Its Ok , iiLiked it" iiBlushed & Smiled Looking Down
He Smiled "Good , Lets Continue The Story Now"