Pärt Ønę , Chäptęr Thrēē
We Continued Writing & Remembering Old Memories From When we Were Younger . iiEnded up Spending The Night Because it Waz so Late . We Were up Untill 2am Writing & Wrote Like 4 Parts , Each About 4 Front & Back Pages Long . It Waz so Much Fun Spending Timee With Him Again . iiKnew iiMissed Him But iiDidnt Think it Waz This Much . iiReally Love Him .
We Woke up to Sunday by Earl Sweatshirt & Frank Ocean , it Waz 9 oClock . iiQuickly Turned it Off , Got up & Streched . It Waz Saturday & iiUsually Woke up at This Timee to do Homework .
"Sorry iiWoke You , iiForgot iiHad an Alarm Set ." iiApologized
"Naw its Aight Shawty , iiWake up Earlier Than This to go Work Out , Play Ball & Dance . "
"You Still Dancee ?"
"Of Coursee , Thats The One Thing iiCouldnt Stop Doing . Why do You Have Your Alarm Set so Early ?"
"iiUsually Wake up at This Timee to do Homework ." iiLooked Down & Blushed in Embarrassment .
"Ohh , Well im Sorry us Writing The Story so Late Messed it up ." He Said Sincerly .
iiSmiled "Naww its Cool , iiLiked Chilling With You ." iiPaused "iiDont Really Have Friends ." iiSat on The Bed
Prod Look Surprized "iiWaz Your Only Friend ?!"
"You Were The Only Person iiTrusted Enough to Let in my Lifee ... Then You Left & iiNever Talked to Anyone Else ." iiLooked Down Again
He Walked to my Side of The Bed , Stood my up & Hugged me Tight by my Waist "Im so Sorry iiDid That to You . iiNever Meant to Hurt You , it Just Happened That Way ."
iiHugged Him Back "Its Aight Prod ."
He Let go , But Held me by my Hips "No its Not , iiWanna Make it up to You . Imma Take You Out Today . Were Gonna go Get Breakfast , Then Imma Take You to The Mall , Then Imma Take You to That Park That we Went to When we Were Little , Then-"
iiCut Him Off "Woah , Your Acting Like Were in a Relationship ."
"iiDont Care , iiFucked up my Greatest Friendship & iiWant to Make it Better Than it Waz Before ." He Hugged me Again Even Tighter "iiLove You Jordan ."
iiBlushed "iiLove You Too Craig ." iiKissed His Cheek "Im Gonna go Back to The House & Get Dressed Aightt ?"
"Aightt Mama , Ill Come Get You in an Hour ." He Said Smiling
"Aight ." iiBit my Lip , Grabbdd my 12s & Walked Out The Room . Im Going to Love Today .