A/N: So i did a thing

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Author: I have not updated in so long. Like for fucks sake how long has it been?

(Y/N): Jan 17 as far as I can tell. Now get your ass back to writing.

Author: But I made new books it's a reason why.

Danganronpa (Y/N): Get back to writing before I butch slip you back to the womb.

Author: Do it pussy!

Mystery: Sorry for the very long wait the author made two new books or more god how long has it been since an update. Look I'm gonna level I recommend reading the RWBY grimmcalypse and the Powerpuff girls (male reader insert). That book is a what if.

What if Powerpuff girls (Y/N): No I'm not gonna join the girls in their adventures I'm not a hero. I'm more of a moody kid who doesn't fully care.

Undertale (Y/N): But anyway sorry for the wait. The long overdue wait he just gets new ideas then forgets some ideas for books.

Author: Have a good day everyone and also if you came from my Fnaf book I have no regrets. I wanted to make people mad a bit but I'm most likely would have to make a second part for that book. Well gonna have to anyway.

Mystery: If there are any questions then they shall be answered in the comments.

Author: Anyways bye!

Female Creepypasta x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now