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Hi guys. i am sure some words here might not really make sense to some you guys cuz they are Korean words. So here are some basic translations.

Hyung= Brother (older brother)

Imo= Aunt

Chingu= Friend



Do Jun's POV

Everything had been good so far since I got to the office. When my step mother came into my father's life, he neglected everything and concentrated only on her. Including his company and his kids. So when I took over as vice chairman i had to build our company's image all over again, it wasn't easy but I was getting there with the help of my brothers.

"Sir the board room is ready" my secretary informed me. I just nodded and dismissed her. I had never been the social type since I was kid which was one the reasons my mom always worried I would ever fit into society, but I think I've been doing a good job fitting in. Aside from my mom, my brothers are the only people I talk to or associate with and my secretary because apparently I had to communicate with her often. Having finished reviewing the contracts on my desk, I wore my suit jacket and left for the board room with my secretary on my tail.

Everyone stood up and bowed as I entered the board room and sat at the head of the table. "Let's make this quick" I announced reading through the files in front of me.

"Sir we have been having a lot negative comments about our hotel and restaurant services. Not just a few but a lot." one of the board members said making me look up from what I was reading. "Due to this negative comments, we have lost a lot of customers and clients as well. Even the sponsors of the hotel want to pull out." he continued. I looked at Tae Jun who had not informed of all this only to see a dejected look on his face.

"And why wasn't I informed of this from the beginning?" I asked all of them. "Sir we thought it was just our rivals spreading false rumors about us so we thought it would die down after a few months." Tae Jun was the one who answered me this time. He looked so devastated when he spoke.

I looked at all of them and scoffed. "You thought? You thought it would stop after a few months. And did it?" I asked them again receiving silence in return.

"Did it?" I asked again earning a series of no sir. "Vice chairman Park Tae Jun?" my brother raised his head and looked at me. "I want a report on my desk by the end of the day." I told him. He nodded and wrote it down in his journal. "Any other thing I need to know?" I asked them.

After the meeting I went back to my office to continue the load of work I had on my desk. I was so into my work that I didn't even realize that someone had entered my office.

"Hyung" I heard my youngest brother's voice. I raised my head and saw him standing before me with his head down. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the problem at the restaurants and the hotels. You've been working so hard lately so I didn't want to burden you with this. I wanted to fix it on my own. But I failed. I am sorry hyung.'" he said and bowed.

I looked at Tae Jun and smiled. He had grown so much and now he was being responsible. I rounded my desk and stood before him. "Tae Jun a" I said and hugged him. i could hear him sniffling as he held unto me. "I am not mad at you ok." I said after releasing him from the hug. "I am just disappointed that you didn't tell me that's all. And I am happy that you thought of me, but don't forget that we are in this together hmm." I reassured him wiping the tears that were slowly falling from his eyes. Tae Jun was the most sentimental one out of all of us, so we always made sure not to stay mad at him for long or even offend him. He didn't do well with disappointment. Yes I know, he's spoilt.

BY CHANCEWhere stories live. Discover now