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You've been living on Neverland for only a month with Pan and the Lost Boys. Pan wouldn't let you hunt or play games, and it was always dark. The Lost Boys would taunt, tease, bully, and sometimes hit on you, but you did the best you could to ignore them. You were afraid of many things on Neverland, but you were curious about Pan. He was unpredictable, like much of the rest of the island surrounding you, but it was a kind that was hard not to wonder what else was under the surface.

A few days ago, you had planned to try and escape this awful island. During the night, while all of the Lost Boys were asleep, you snuck out of your tent and into the forever dark woods, just looking for any escape route. You were walking with no idea where you were going, when the dark forest just got darker. You weren't even sure that was possible. The trees were black and the fog surrounding you was red. The treetops were so thick, you couldn't see the night sky through them. The place overall had a very uneasy feeling about it, and it heightened your sense that you were in danger.

Suddenly, hundreds of shadows came out of nowhere, swirling around you. It hit you that you must've wandered into the darkest part of the island, the heart of Neverland, where all the shadows are banished to, including Pan's. One of them pushed you with a strong invisible source and pinned you up against a tree. You grimaced in pain at the result of the impact.

But that was the least of your problems.

The shadow had started to rip out your own, agonizingly separating it from your being. The pain that it brought you was nothing like you've ever felt before. You screamed, hoping for some kind of miracle. You couldn't breathe, and you started to give up.

"Hey!" A voice suddenly called out, "That's enough!"

The shadow turned toward the voice. Suddenly there was a flash of light, a wave of heat, and the sensation of falling.

Then you were flying. You felt yourself against something warm, and strong muscles holding on to you. It was a person, the one who saved you. You looked up at your savior, your eyes feeling like they would bulge out of your head, and yet your eyelids felt impossibly heavy to keep open for long.

"Pan?" You whispered.

"Couldn't have our only Lost Girl dead after only a month now, can we?" He replied. You tried to laugh, but instead you groaned in pain at the aftermath of your shadow being nearly ripped away from you. Feeling completely drained and exhausted from the ordeal, combined with the peacefulness of flight, it didn't take long to fall into a dreamless slumber the rest of the journey to camp.


For the next few days, Pan had been checking up on you to make sure you were alright, which had ultimately only confused you more about it the kind of person he was. It was strange, the way he had been towards you didn't match his reputation and attitude towards the boys like he had become notorious for. This mystery had been all you could think about surrounding every interaction you've had with Pan since.

But every night since your attempted escape, the most awful nightmares would plague your mind and steal your sleep from you for many hours. Or, at least you thought it was hours, the concept of time on Neverland is one you're not sure really exists. You would wake up, afraid to go back to sleep just to have to face the nightmares all over again, and as a result, the whole day would be a struggle. You were so tired, but when night had finally come, you couldn't go to sleep, you wouldn't. Today in particular had been an extremely exhausting day for everyone with the group moving camp once more. Everything needed to be set up in just a few hours, so there wasn't any time to waste. After it was done, you ate and immediately fell asleep, too tired to remember your fears that it would bring you to face.

Robbie Kay/ Peter Pan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now