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For @QueenieofBrooklyn. Enjoy!


"Come on, Lizzie. Stop being antisocial and go out into the world for once." Said an annoyed Peter.

She rolled her eyes at the comment, he says it everyday. He would always try to get her to go somewhere, but with no avail.

"Peter, how many times do I have to tell you not to interrupt me while I'm reading?" She responded.

He sighed in exasperation. "Why do you like books so much? It's literally just a stack of paper with words."

Lizzie gasped. "How dare you say that! They are not just words on paper, it is how those words are arranged in specific places and patterns that bunch together to create a whole another world. It's magical." Lizzie loved books. Her past was not a very good one, and books were her only escape. With every book, was a new world to be discovered, and she always did love traveling. Although it's not unusual for Peter to dislike them. He would much rather have things already planned out for him, he thinks reading is too much work.

"You know what would be magical? If you put that book down for a few hours and watch a movie?" Peter asked. Lizzie (finally!) lifted her gaze from her book and raised an eyebrow at him.

"What movie might you be suggesting?" Peter smirked.

"Now, I wouldn't be your best friend if I didn't say Peter Pan, would I?"

She smiled at him. "I guess I could take a little break." She slowly set her book down and they dashed to the living room. For some weird reason, that movie had always kept them connected, like they've lived through the story before, but not quite. She's lived here for as long as she can remember. For some reason it seems to be a very short time period, she can't remember anything before.

Peter was the same way. They had just suddenly showed up with no memory of how they got there. That's how they became so close, they were the same, yet completely different, and she loved him for it. What they had was special.

During the movie, Lizzie felt a sense of deja vu. This would always happen, yet she didn't know why. It was like she's known this life, but in a completely different way. Peter was the only other one who understood. He felt it too.

Come to think of it, everything in this town is strange. From the minute the pair arrived, nothing has made sense. Who is she? Who are here parents? Where are they? Where did she come from? So many questions, and every answer just unlocks more. But what Lizzie fears the most is not the answers, but how much they will change her, them. She's had enough change to last a lifetime.

All of these thoughts were too much for the teenager, and she excused herself to go for a walk and clear her head. Of course Peter was worried, he always was, and offered to go with her. And, like she always does, accepted his offer. She appreciated the company in this seemingly lonely world. So they grabbed their jackets and headed out the apartment door.

They headed to Granny's and ordered lunch and a warm drink for the cold weather. After they finished they went outside and we're just walking in the middle of the street by the library. There were barely ever any cars that passed through here. And then all of a sudden, Lizzie stopped. Peter couldn't read the expression her face read, and it was unusual. Usually he could always tell what was on her mind.

"Lizzie," Peter said cautiously, "what's wrong?"

She finally looked up at him, her hazel eyes meeting his jade green ones, they were filled with unease. "Something's wrong. Very, very wrong." This worried Peter. If there's one thing he knew about his best friend was that she barely ever showed fear. It was one of the things he admired about her. This fear was very unlike her, and it was unsettling for him.

He slowly approached her, taking her hand in his, and the other on her arm. "Hey, it's okay. I'm right here, and nothing can ever happen to you with me around, alright?" But then what he saw next made him wonder if he spoke too soon.

A large, menacing cloud of purple smoke, easily the size of the whole town, was racing towards them at an unbelievable speed. The fear in Peter's eyes made Lizzie worried, and then she turned around, and understood his fear, because now she felt it too. She gasped and moved closer to him. He said he would protect her, right?

"Peter, what's happening?" Lizzie yelled.

"I don't know, but whatever happens, just know that I'm always there, I will always protect you." Lizzie tightly wrapped and buried herself in Peter's embrace, and they braced themselves for the menacing cloud that would change their lives forever.

As the smoke enveloped them, suddenly Lizzie could see images in her mind, images of the past, her past, but it was very different.

And then she remembered.

And as the smoke cleared, she saw the town, her temporary home, as well as those she knew, in a whole new light.

But in this case, especially with Peter, in a familiar darkness.

With wide eyes and a broken heart fueled with rage, she forced herself away from the boy and gazed at him in fear and anger. "You! You did this! You sent me here and took away my memories and just left me on the street to die. How could you do this to us?"

Pan tried to get closer to her, but she stepped back. "No! No. I trusted you!" Her voice got softer, and Pan could see the tears rolling down her cheeks. "I loved you."

"Lizzie-" he tried to get close to her again, but this time she pulled out a dagger she forgot she had.

"Stay away from me! You took me away from everything I've ever known, and then you think you can make it up to me by cursing an entire town?! I don't know how your world works, but in mine, we don't do that."

"Lizzie, I know you might not like me a lot right now, but I need you to listen to me. I know I've made mistakes and I know that I hurt you. You made me remember what it was like to love again, to have someone who truly cares about you. You changed me, Lizzie. I promised you I would never leave you. I promised I would always protect you. And I may not be the most well behaved boy on the island, but I always keep my promises."

With each word, Pan inched ever closer to her, and when he finally reached her, he eased down the dagger, and Lizzie allowed it to fall out of her hands and onto the ground. She crashed into his arms, surprising him at first, but he hugged her right back.

Then he whispered into her hair, "I love you."

A/n: I am so sorry this took so long I have had my hands full with life and other stories but all these requests are amazing. I'm still taking them and as always thanks for reading, commenting and voting and I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I loved writing it. Love y'all!

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