Chapter 4

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The next morning Knock Out took the space bridge to Macadam's with Bumblebee and Smokescreen for energon not trusting the cafeteria anymore after what happened to Knock Out the day before.

Then they went back to the hotel so Bumblebee could get ready for the last qualifier race that would take place that after noon.

"Guys there's something in front of my door." Bumblebee called Smokescreen and Knock Out over and pointed out a package.

"Looks like you might have a fan." Smokescreen smiled.

Knock Out walked over and put his audio receptor to the box and his optics widened.

"Don't open it Bumblebee it's ticking!" Knock Out warned and there was no missing the nervousness in the red spots car's voice.

"Oh scrud!" Bumblebee replied realizing someone had possibly sent him a bomb.

"Scrap what do we do?" Smokescreen asked.

"We call the authorities and report it." Bumblebee replied and then they wasted no time calling the police.

A few moments later the Velocitron authorities came there with a bomb squad and took care of the package which was indeed a bomb that would of blown the moment it was opened.

"Talk about a close call." Knock Out said after the bomb squad left.

"Yeah Bee could've really been hurt." Smokescreen added.

"This was probably to stop me from competing in the race." Bumblebee guessed. "But the strange thing is that package was pretty suspicious looking almost too suspicious looking."

"Yeah anyone who got a close look at it would guess it was a bomb." Knock Out agreed.

"So maybe it was more of a scare tactic to try to scare Bee away from competing." Smokescreen suggested.

"We all better be careful there's no telling what might happen during the race today." Bumblebee said to them.

Then they went to their rooms to get ready.

Later when it was time for the race Knock Out took a seat in the stands next to Smokescreen who was also taking a break since he had won the last qualifier race.

The two were having fun talking as they waited for the race to start ready to spectate and cheer Bumblebee on, And saw him wave at them before taking his place at the starting line.

Then the race started and Bumblebee was in the lead so far but having to be careful and dodge other racers who were trying to ram him or flip him over the way Black Jack had tried to wreck Knock Out during the first race.

"Their being a lot more brutal than in the first two races." Smokescreen told Knock Out with a hint of worry in his voice hoping none of the other racers would hurt Bumblebee.

"It's because this is the final qualifier race before the main one only three racers can compete in this one so this is their last chance to qualify." Knock Out explained. "So their a lot more desperate."

Suddenly a loud boom was heard and three different racers were sent flying, Then several more explosions started going off and both Knock Out and Smokescreen knew it was more landmines that had been planted on the track by whoever was sabotaging the races.

So far Bumblebee had managed to avoid them, And medics were rushing onto the track to tend to the racers who had been injured and Knock Out got up to see if there was anything he could do to help being a medic himself.

Knock Out was at the bottom of the stands when he looked up just as another landmine went off and his optics widened in horror when he saw Bee's alt mode rolling across the tack having taken the blast head on.

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