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Chapter| 1
𝐈𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐲's Pov:

"Bella, your home" Mama speaks. "No mama I'm still at camp" Her face turns stern trying to make an appearance that I'm not funny. We both burst out laughing and she brings me into a hug. "I missed you bella" She smoothens out my hair, "I missed you to mama" She grabs my suitcase from me and I sit on the couch.

Luna and Leonardo come rushing down the stairs and pull me into a hug. "we missed you" "I missed you guys too." Luna and Leo are my younger siblings making me the oldest. I'm the oldest, then came Luna then Leo appeared out of nowhere. I can tell you one thing, Leo was not planned.

When I was born my parents adored me since I was the firstborn. After me, when Luna came, Papa was very aggravated. He did not care for Luna at all. She was sick for a whole week and Mama didn't know how to take care of her. Papa wanted a boy but of course, he didn't get what he asked for.

When Leo was born, Papa was thrilled, he finally started acting normal again. He started taking care of all of us, including Luna. From that point on, things have been great. We're like those families in the TV shows, except we're not fake, we're real.

Mama hands me a glass of water and I chug it down. After being at school camp for what felt like a year, it feels so good to be in Mama's presence. I'm assuming Papa's at work so I don't bother to ask, instead head upstairs towards my room.

Rather than unpacking my suitcase or reading a book, I go hang out with the kids in the neighbourhood. After all, I was away from them for five days.  Grabbing my bike I ride it down the street feeling the warm breeze push my hair back. Oh boy did I miss this place.

I spot Grace from far away and straight away I drop my bike and we both run to each other. Our bodies suddenly get squashed in each other's arms. Soon the whole neighbourhood's kids start gathering and we all head over to the park.

Grace and I hang out on the swings while the little kids run around and fight over who gets to go down the slide first. Grace and I have been childhood friends, never too close but never strangers. We always had a special bond, a bond that one would need extremely intense words to describe.

We don't go to the same school but are able to catch up most days of the week. An hour flies by and sunset creeps in. Grace and I hug and part ways once more. I can't believe we have school tomorrow, I mean who would want to go to school after a five-day trip with a bunch of morons.

As Mama and I are eating dinner we get a phone call. That's strange, we never get phone calls after dusk. "Hello?" Mama answers. "Can I please speak to Ivory" The man on the other end of the line announces.

"Bella. it's for you" Mama passes me the phone as I stare at her with a face of confusion. "Hello?'' The confusion in my voice clearly pleases the man on the phone. "Hey Ivory, wanna go on a date with me? Im free tomorrow night."

"I'm sorry who are you?" The confusion in me wearing less and discomfort growing even more. "Oh baby, is that really necessary?" I bring the phone away from my ear and put it down. I don't have time for stupid teenage boys like this.

"Who was it Bella" "Just some stupid teenage boys Mama" She nods her head continuing to eat her pasta. Once I finish with my pasta I head upstairs to shower and head to bed. After a long five days, I still don't get a break, I have to deal with school tomorrow.

                     ── ❃☂︎❃──

"I'm still so tired from yesterday" "Don't worry Ive, me too" Francesca replies. School today has been hectic, two of the boys got into a fight for talking bad about his sister and one of the teachers got fired for sexual harassment. Big thing? I know.

Francesca comes storming out of the girl's bathroom her hair in a slick middle-parted bun and her face as angry as one could get. "Aurora what happened?" "Jace broke up with me, and this time I didn't even do anything. Last time it was my fault and I admit that but not this time."

"Oh bella," I wrap my arms around her and try comforting her. "You sound exactly like your Mama" Letting go of her I speak, "I do not." She nods totally agreeing with me. Aurora and Jace have a few bump-ins throughout the day but choose to deal with it by scowling at each other.

On my way home a strange feeling builds up inside me. It's hard to explain as if guilt is making its way into my clothes, into my pores like perfume or makeup. But the thing is, I don't know what the guilt is about.

I finally see Papa for the first time after my trip, as soon as our eyes collide I drop my school bag and he drops his briefcase. I run up to him and he clamps me into a tight hug almost making me choke to death. "La mia principessa, I've missed  you so much." "I missed you too Papa."

"We both head inside and Mama has set up cards and a pile of Jenga blocks. Jenga blocks are Papa and I's favourite game. We spend the entire evening playing games until dinner begins to creep on us.

As Mama is setting up the table the phone rings, "I'll get it Mama" I grab onto the phone and bring it up to my ear. "Hello?" "Ahh, Ivory, what a pleasure for you to answer my call." I let out a deep breath already annoyed by how this conversation is going. "What do you want" "Now now, no need to get angry, we are still up for that date to-"

Before he was able to finish I hang up. These perverted boys are getting out of hand day after day. Luna and Leo finally make an appearance at the dinner table and we all eat. Mama's special panzanella has never tasted better.

Everybody finishes dinner and heads upstairs for lights out.

── ❃☂︎❃──



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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The Toxins That Arrive with Love  (Ricci SIblings Trio, #1) | ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now