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now playing: left hand free: alt-J
as soon as the clock hit 7:30, the band started to play your highschool's march. you and the girls were doing simple stunts to warm the crowd up for the actual routine at halftime.

you felt the crowd's roars in your bones as you flipped high in the air, front and center, with heidi and wendy on your other sides, smiling and waving at the crowd as their bases worked on keeping them in the air.

the football team huddled behind a huge banner that had your school's mascot on the front, but kyle couldn't help but peek around the banner to watch you flip. you looked absolutely mesmerizing.

kyle had been right, you captured the audiences stares in an instant, even some of west park's boys from their student section had snuck into your side's bleachers to get a closer look at all the cheerleaders.

but you didn't care. all you were focused on was your timing and mechanics. feeling dizzy, you lifted your leg up right next to your ear, performing a scorpion pose before letting yourself fall forward into a graceful flip towards the ground, and landing perfectly, with only a bit of wobbling in your sore legs. soon, heidi and wendy were on the ground next to you, and heidi motioned towards the end of the field; she wanted to perform a synchronized routine from the flyers.

you guys scrambled to the end of your line, and got into position. your bases lined up near you guys, chanting your counts in unison as you guys begun your in-sync back hand springs and aerials.

as you guys finished, the whistle blew, signalling the start of team introductions. the cheerleaders hurried to line up on the line, pom-poms in hand. west park was introduced first, their cheerleaders cheering and waving their pom-poms everywhere.

you and heidi snickered at their orange tans and fake lashes so big they could fly away with a blink. you leaned over to heidi and whispered, "i can't tell if that's a tan or orange body paint.."

heidi tried to stifle her laugh, but failed, and ended up snorting as she tried to cover her mouth, which in turn led you to start laughing.

the west park cheerleaders, who were just a few feet away, shot you nasty glares and rolled their eyes, whispering and pointing at you and heidi.

"i'm surprised they all didn't fly away after that collective eyeroll."

"stOP Y/N-!" heidi laughed, holding onto your arm as you both burst into a laughing fit again.
after what seemed like forever, it was finally south park's turn for introductions. the band started back up and the cheerleaders ran to form a tubbel beside the banner as the announcer announced the starting lineup.

"number 5...stanley marsh!"

as stan's name was called, he burst through the banner and jogged on the field through the tunnel, giving high-fives to you and more close friends on the cheer team.

the team aw'ed as wendy pulled stan back by his jersey and planted a good luck kiss on his cheek. the boy blushed crimson as he stepped onto the field.

you remember how stan's number used to be number 69, since it was his dad's number when he played for south park, but he loved wendy more than his dad, so he switched to number 5.

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