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now playing: anti-hero - taylor swift
your group slowly trudged toward pc's office, mumbling under their breath.

tolkien, noticing the mood shift, cleared his throat, making everyone turn toward him.

"so, guys, excited for the next party tonight? it's another costume party!"

you smiled. "duos and trios, right?"

"yes ma'am."

stan wrapped his arm around wendy as you guys rounded the corner towards the office, "sorry boys, no funny looking party city costumes this time."

kenny groaned, flopping onto your shoulder dramatically, making you latch onto his arms to keep him upright while walking.

"seriously, kenny?" you deadpanned. he lifted himself up and grinned.

"stan! you can't ditch us like that!" clyde whined. bebe narrowed her eyes and cleared her throat.

"but- it's actually okay! because, uh, bebe and i were actually gonna dress up together!" clyde quickly added.

you slightly walked ahead of everyone else, kind of in your own world. you tuned into bits and pieces of the conversations behind you.

a presence at your side quickly pulled you from your thoughts. craig.

"hi there." you greeted him, and out of habit, he flipped you off.

"you need to break that habit." you said, walking a bit faster. craig scoffed, and easily kept your pace.

"i'm practically wired to flip someone off every 3 seconds." he replied, putting his hands in his hoodie pocket.

"that's not gonna get you very far in life."

"meh, my mom knows people who would get me far in life."

you chuckled, and craig flipped you off again.

"how's tricia?" you asked, suddenly missing the strawberry blonde.

craig scoffed. "being a brat...her new friends have her turning into a basic popular girl. it's kind of sad."

"people change."

"tricia used to hate those kinds of girls, why would she want to be one?"

you paused. "well, she's growing up, she just wants to fit in. plus, she can still like her hobbies in secret."

craig looked at you. "like you do? you still have that-"

"stop right there."

a small silence followed, and craig could feel kyle's glare burning into his skull.

"soo, excited for the party?" you asked, craig giving you a "meh".

"after the fiasco that followed the last one? not very stoked."

he paused, thinking of what to say next.

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