so..A emo...A silly..A girlboss and a alternate walk into some old guys house..

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"Is he old!? Is he chill enough to pass the bong to!?"
"What does he look like..?"
"Is he interested in joining us?"

Sarah sighed. "Can't you idiots wait till we get there!?" The group quieted down..Sarah had offered that they had their meeting at her brothers house, Fuck the meeting, They all wanna meet her brother. Sarah never really talks about her family, Besides Her Uncle Dave. But they already know Dave. C'mon. Its Dave!! So this brother thing was really exciting for them really.

Sarah sighed, Stepping up the porch, She knocked 2 times, paused, and knocked 2 times again.

Adam looked the most confused "Huh..? Why'd you knock that way..?"

Sarah turned around slowly "So my brother knows its me and not some alternate. He's superstitious and shit.." She quickly turned around when she heard all 4 locks on marks door quickly unlocking.

"Oh. Sarah! What a pleasant surprise.." Mark quickly noticed the 3 other people behind Sarah "And..Other people.."

"These are my friends! Evelin, Jonah, And Adam!, Listed favorite to least favorite." She whispered

Mark chuckled softly with a smile "Come in! I don't bite.."

Sarah confidently walked inside, Along with Jonah, Evelin was a bit hesitant, Adam was getting sus vibes from Mark. He walked inside, staring Mark down with a suspicious look

Sarah plopped down on the couch, Like she owned the place Jonah was looking around for snacks he could steal, Evelin sat down next to Sarah, So did Adam, still staring at Mark with a suspicious look.

Adam crossed his arms "Sarah. Aren't you going to introduce us to this ominous man."

"Yeah Sarah. aren't you going to introduce me to your friends that you unexpectedly brought into my house..?" Mark replied

Sarah sighed, Standing up "Ok..This is Evelin, Evelin meet my brother, Mark. Mark meet my friend Evelin.

Mark waved, a slight smile on his lips..

"Ok..This Is..Adam.."

Adam gave Mark a snobby look, Leaning back into the couch

To counter that, Sarah stomped on his foot Before continuing

"Adam, Meet Mark, Mark meet Adam.."

Mark waved at Adam as well. Without a smile though.

"And this is Jo-...JONAH GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!!"

Sarah introduces Mark to BPS!!!!!!! (im so silly willy 😋)Where stories live. Discover now