Chapter 2

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It has been a few days since that new guy showed up and he's become a regular at this point. I've learned that his name is Nightmare one of the biggest Mafia leaders in the city. Horror and Dust have started to give him discounts on his orders ever since they found out. And today was no different. He came in sat at his normal table  and waited for me to come and take his order.

Cross told me about work after the day I was feeling under the weather. Apparently when he served Nightmare he barely did anything and glared at Cross the entire time. But hey Cross didn't ask him to stop. Why would he? He could get killed if he so much as breathed on Nightmare the wrong way. But as long as I'm around and serving him he seems more relaxed and open to conversation.

And I was starting to worry about tonight since Nightmare hadn't come in yet. He's been coming into the bar daily for almost two weeks. The bars going to close in a few minutes so I start to clean the remaining tables and help close up. Maybe he found another bar, one that's a bit more high end and has better quality... everything compared to the little shop we work at.

I start to walk home when I get dragged into an alleyway a knife held up to my neck. A wolf monster about 2 maybe 3 feet taller than me snarling at me a destructive look in his eyes. "Now listen here skeleton!" He spat "We're going to do this my way whether you like it or not!"

I roll my eyelights and try to walk away before he slams me to the ground and stomps on my rib cage. I try to scream before it gets muffled by his hand as he growls. "Now listen... if you want to live then do as I say got it?" He said. I nod quickly fear flooding over my body as he lifts my body above his head. I go limp trying to make my body as heavy as possible so he would drop me on the ground.

It didn't work.

But something else happened. I heard a gunshot from behind the wolf monster as he toppled over and I get sent flying farther into the alley. I try to stand up and thank the person who saved me but I was too weak I could barely move. And right before I black out I see a familiar cyan eyelight watching me and I could have sworn I heard "I'm sorry this happened to you darling."

~———————Nightmares POV———————~

"Dream I'm home!" I shout into the house. I check Error to make sure he's comfortable in my arms constantly scanning him over and over looking for any cracks or breaks. I was soon snapped out of that trance by my brother bounding down the stairs only to trip half way and tumble down the rest of them. I sigh as he gets up and sprints over to me seemingly unharmed. "Dream what did I say about running down the stairs so fast?" I ask.

"Oh come on brother! I don't need to be babied! And when can I go on another miss- OH MY STARS WHO IS THAT!" He squeals. I sigh and start to walk up the stairs as Dream keeps asking questions about Error. "Dream. This is Error he works at that bar I go to every night. No we are not dating. He is my server almost every time I go there. He was in deep trouble so I helped him out. Is that all?" I complete. Dream nods his head vigorously a large smile on his face.

"Come on brother it's not often you bring other people home! Normally you come home covered in blood carrying the newest stash of items to be sold to the humans!" Dream starts to ramble. I sigh as I enter the guest room and place Error on the bed. I notice how it seems like Error just about floats on the bed barely making a dent in it. "Dream go get the first aid kit he might need it." I order. Dream stands up straight and runs to the bathroom to fetch the first aid kit.

He comes back about a minute later with the first aid kit in hand and a slightly worried look on his face. I know he's seen just about as much gore and murder as I have but his last mission almost killed him and his group. They haven't been out on once since and Dream had locked himself in his bedroom for about a month or two. When he finally came out he barely spoke, ate, or even acted like himself.

After I got Error patched up I left him in the spare room so he can get some well needed rest. I head downstairs and rest on the sofa letting out a gentle sigh before calling Dream over. "Now Dream I know you've been anxious to get outside again but I don't think your quite ready for a mission yet. So how about you come to the bar with me tomorrow?" I say. Dream ponders the proposition before smiling and hugging em tightly.

I hug back and then smell something that I never thought I would smell on my brother. "Have you been drinking?" I ask. He instantly stands up and steps back a nervous look on his face. "Dream..." "GOTTA GO BROTHER SEE YOU LATER!" He said. Dream bolts off and I start to chase him before deciding that it was too much effort. Besides he's in his early thirties like me it's not like it's illegal for him to drink.

~————————In The Morning——————-~

I groan as I slowly wake up. The sunlight flooding into my room slightly blinding me for a bit. I could have sworn I closed the blinds before I went to bed. But then I get a good look at my room and I realize that I'm not in my room. I start to freak out and I fall off of the bed and it looks like someone put some night clothes on my while I was out.

Then I heard someone coming upstairs. I start to freak out as I try to find an escape route only to see Nightmare walk into the room. "Oh your awake how did you sleep? I hope I didn't scare you too much. But after that wolf monster I took you here and patches you up hope you don't mind." He said with a smile.

"I don't mind at all thanks for taking me in for the night." I thank him. He smiles helps me up and takes me to the dining room where he has pancakes eggs and bacon. "You have bacon!? I haven't had it since I was a kid! And that was a rare treat in itself!" I exclaimed. Nightmare chuckles and I got to know him a bit more over breakfast and I got to meet his brother too.

And I think this is going to turn out just fine.

1200 Words

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