Chapter 5

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After breakfast Nightmare had to go to work and deal with some rumors leaving me all to myself lonesome. Dream was going to be busy looking after the two secrets he had in a spare room so that left me with nothing to do but wander the house and wait.

2 hours in

It had been two hours and Nightmare wasn't back yet I did manage to locate the radio though which was nice at least I could listen to something while going insane. I tried to turn it on only to find that it was broken, disappointed I started to look around the room and tried to find other things to do. I flopped down onto the couch and saw a pad of paper with a pen beside it so I decided to do something that involved writing.

I grabbed the pen and pad and went out into the house to go count something since it seemed like the only real option of entertainment I had.

6 Hours In

I had lost track of time at this point and stopped counting ages ago, they lived in a mansion that had more windows and doors than the apartment complex I used to live in. Some time in when I started to get bored of counting I managed to find my way into the garden where I indulged myself in busywork. The garden was huge so I had a good amount of work on my plate at least, hopefully it should keep me busy until Nightmare gets back.

8 Hours In

I had finished the work in the garden and the sun was starting to dip below the horizon. I headed back inside and made my way back to the kitchen to wash up my hands and to find something to nibble on when Nightmare walked through the door. I couldn't really tell though due to me trying to reach the top shelf to get some crackers I was getting a bit pudgy after all and I needed to slim down. As I almost reached the box I was hugged from behind by Nightmare I squeaked and punched him as hard as I could.

He stepped back and laughed gently a smile on his face. "Well now I didn't expect that from you of all monsters darling." He chuckled. He let go and gave me a kiss on the cheek even though we weren't officially dating yet it was nice. "So did you do anything interesting while I was away?" He asked me. I shrugged and looked down at the floor. "No not really I was bored out of my mind, I did tend to your garden though." I explained.

"Well lucky for you I'm going to be taking tomorrow off to spend the day with you and get you adjusted to the neighborhood." He said. I smiled and hugged him tightly happy that I'm finally going to be able to do something with my time. But then it dawned on me and I ran to the door with Nightmare being fairly confused. He stops me and gives me a concerned look. "I'm late to work! I completely forgot about my shift today!" I panic.

Nightmare took me to the bar only to see that it was closed. I open the door with the keys every employee gets and walk in confused. "Hello! Is anyone here!" I call out. I walk around and go into the kitchen and luckily I saw Dust and Horror. But what I saw them doing made me freeze in my tracks, they were making out and it seemed like they had no sense of anyone being around them. Horror opened his good eye and saw me staring and stopped kissing Dust who gave him a confused look until he saw me.

They both gave me a big hug and bombarded me with questions which I answered to the best of my abilities. "How's your brother in the hospital doing Error? Any updates?" Dust asked. My face dropped and I looked at the floor. "He's not doing much better. I haven't really had time to check on him, I've just been so busy with work and all that I just haven't had the time." I explain. Dust nodded and  the room fell into silence.

Nightmare walked in and started a casual conversation with them while I couldn't get my mind off of my brother. Geno, he was stuck in the hospital due to a rare soul condition. I walk out of the kitchen and begin to think back to our childhood. I was the oldest and took care of my brothers the most well before I found Geno a singular brother Fresh.

Fresh and I were mainly free loaders who hid in abandoned buildings and kept to ourselves to stay safe. We heard that there was an area that was just destroyed by the humans in a genocide attempt so we decided to go look and see if we could find anything worth selling. As we were looking through the rubble we found a young skeleton, he looked only a few months old at this point and didn't look too healthy. Fresh wouldn't leave without him so we took him with us and we named him Geno.

As Geno grew so did his condition and so did the price for his medicine. Fresh and I didn't make lots of money when we were young but our main hustle was selling things to the humans for cash. But as time went on Geno only got worse and our little hustle wasn't really bringing in enough to even cover a few pills. And that one night is still so clear in my memory it's almost like it happened just yesterday.

A young human lady helped us, helped Geno and for that we were thankful and tried to pay her back in any way we could but she left the city as we grew older and got more steady jobs leaving me where I am now. As I'm reminiscing Horror snaps me out of it by sliding me a chocolate milkshake. "Thanks." I mutter as I start to drink it. Nightmare takes me to his place where we eat dinner and he takes me to bed and wishes me a good night.

I lay on the bed not really feeling tired so I just lay there with my thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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