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"Jen, I know." I said into the phone receiver as I walked down the hallway of the arena. My best friend from back home, Jennifer Stone, called to tell me that there was a college reunion she was putting together with a group of friends and, of course, because of my hectic schedule I didn't know if I could make it. So she was definitely upset.

"You know, sometimes I really despise your job." she said in a playful manner but I could hear the seriousness behind it. "I really want you to be there."

"I'll try my best. That's about as much as I can promise." I told her.

"Okay." she said. "Are you gonna bring Braun?"

"If I can go, then yes. Unless his schedule doesn't allow him to go." I replied as I walked into the Women's locker room.

"Good. I really like him." she said. I chuckled. "I think you two are good together. At least from what I gather with the handful amount of moments I've seen in person." She sighed. "I really hate your job."

"You love my job." I told her. "You love having the perks of me bringing you backstage and everything. Don't lie."

"Okay, well I didn't say that I hate every part of your job. Just the part where you're gone all the time." she said correcting me and herself.

I chuckled. "Sometimes I do too." I said. "But speaking of work, I have to go."

"Okay. Call me after the show." she said. "And Ev, be careful." She said that every time we got off the phone and I had to go to the ring. My job could be dangerous sometimes so it was nice that she cared enough to tell me to be careful. She didn't want anything to happen. And neither did I.

"Will do." I said before we hung up. I sighed and dropped my phone into my bag before pulling out my attire for the night. Very short metallic black shorts with a matching belt. Black metallic crop top that looked more like a bra and showed quite a bit of cleavage, and black boots that came up to my shins and kick pads that came up even higher to about mid thigh. I pulled out my black trench coat as well that had one button in the front and flowed like the wind ran through it every time I walked. I loved it.

I walked to the changing room and slipped out of my street clothes and into my ring gear before walking back out to the main locker room to get my boots and kick pads on. I sat down and sighed before focusing on the task at hand. "Girl, you look about as stressed as me." Natalya said as she walked into the room.

I chuckled. "It's been that kind of day." I told her. "Press, interviews and a phone call from my best friend back home." I looked at her and she had the 'yikes' look on her face. "You?"

"Stuff with my family. Nothing I can't handle." she said. She sat down on the bench and pulled out her phone. "How's everything going with Braun?"

"Okay. I think." I said. "We've been together for a year and I feel like the fire has been put out already. I don't know if it's me or if it's him or maybe we just don't click as a couple. I wish it was different though."

"That sucks." she said. "TJ and I kind of went through that but it was after ten years together. And I mean, that's a decade so fire is bound to be put out by that time. But you and Braun always seem so in sync when I see the two of you together. And you're always so playful. I don't understand why you feel this way."

"I don't know. Maybe I'm just in my head too much." I told her as I slipped on my boots. "I've never been good at relationships."

"Well, given your past I don't see how you could be." she said. She definitely hit the nail on the head there. My past was nothing short of horrible. My childhood was a wreck and my family couldn't care less if I was breathing or dead. So it was a no brainer that I would be bad at relationships. Nattie grabbed her stuff out of her bag before disappearing into the changing room. Other girls had invaded the locker room at that point including Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch, Alexa Bliss and Nia Jax. Story line wise, Nia and I didn't get along whatsoever. But in reality, I loved the crap out of her. She was funny and she made it her mission to make sure people felt great about themselves. Nia was one of my very good friends here in the WWE. And it was only fitting considering her cousin Roman Reigns was my absolute best friend on the road. He and I were like Batman and Robin, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Ham and Eggs. We just clicked from day one and I always had the best time with him. Not to mention he'd seen me at my worst and my best and everything in between and he always helped me through all of it. He earned that best friend title long ago and he kept earning it every single day.

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