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fineee, i guess you can have some olandy hurt/comfort. as a treat /ref (cw for gender dysphoria, negative self talk, general angst stuff )


Oliver closed the bathroom door and sank to the floor. one hand on his stomach and the other covering his mouth, making sure no one can here his sobs.

 His hands travel to his head as he cries and pulls at his hair, clearly very upset. 

Why can't I just be a boy?! I fucking hate myself!! I wish I was cis!! I'll never be a real man... I'm just a dumbass who thinks there a boy. He thought as he cried into his hands. 

Oliver was having a terrible day. nothing felt right. His clothes were too tight, his binder was to big, his hair was too long. It was all wrong, nothing was working.

He runs his hands down his chest and noticed how visible it was. He continued to sob, hitting his forehead.

 He sat like that for what, minutes? Hours? It all blended together. Eventually there was a knock at the door. "Ollie? Hon? Y-you okay in there?"

  Shit. Randy had realized he was gone. He stood up and wiped his tears. He checked his chest in the mirror one last time before opening the door. 

"Hey." He said, tears in his eyes. Randy looked down at him, clearly concerned. "A-are you okay? Y-you look like you've been crying."

 Oliver scoffs. "No, I'm very much not okay. Today's been absolute shit." He pushed passed Randy and flopped down on the couch. 

"D-do you wanna talk about it?" Randy sits down next to oliver. Oliver sits up, his head in his hands.

 "I just... I'm dysphoric as all hell. I fucking hate myself, you know? Nothing feels right. I'm too... feminine. I look like a girl. And some part of me is convinced that no matter what I do, I'll always look like a girl. I hate it. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of my identity, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't pray each day to wake up in a man's body."

 Randy just listened, occasionally rubbing Oliver's back. "Y-yeah... I get that. Being trans is hard, b-but your so strong. you should be proud of yourself, your doing the best you can. I know it doesn't help, but I think your manly as all hell."

 Oliver smiles sadly. "Thanks." After a moment of silence, Randy speaks up. "Wanna listen to music and draw?" Oliver lights up. "You know me so well."


can you tell i was projecting onto oliver and using randy as a source of comfort /hj

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