chapter 2

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Daniel was taking a walk in the park, he stops as he found a dog walking towards him.

"Hm? What a cute doggie." Chuckles Daniel as he kneeled at the dog.

The dog seems to like Daniel, as the dog just seems hungry for pats.

"Where are you owner? Are you lost?"

Daniel kept patting him, while getting no respones.

"Ah! Keira! I thought you were lost!"

A person with brown hair was coming towards them, well.. At the dog. Then the dog walks towards her owner.

"You dont know how worried i was.."

"Ah.. Are you her owner?"

The guy looks at Daniel, as he smiles.

"Yes, thanks for taking care of her."

"I only patted her, thats all."

Daniel looks at the person, he seems like he loves his dog very much, considering how different he is from other people he knows.

(Jay who's afraid of dogs..)

Then Daniel turned around, stood up from his knee, and was about to leave.

"Do you like dogs?"

Daniel stops to look at him. Confused on why the person suddenly asked.

"Mhm, i like them..?"

Daniel saw him smiled.

"Thats great, Im Johan."

Daniel seems confused with that guy.

"Im.. Daniel."

"Lets hangout, if we ever meet again." The guy named ‘Johan’ smiled.

Daniel pulls down his mask letting his face showed, which welcomed Johan with a smile. Johan's eyes widened.

"Of course."

Daniel pulls up his mask again, then leaves Johan alone.

Johan felt stoned, he feels like he couldnt move. He covers his face with his hands.



Jay turned on his phone when he heard a vibrate coming in.

Jay! Where are you rn?

—jay hong.
Im in my house..

Im sooo boreddd, can i go there???

Jay turned into a blushing mess.

—jay hong.
Come over:)

He was about to go crazy, is Daniel really going to his house?! Thank god its already tidied up by his butler.

–w/ daniel–

"Its been a while since i've gone into Jay's."

Daniel was already infront of Jay's house.

—daniel park.
Jayyyyy, im infront


After that, the door was opened by Jay.

"Jay.." Daniel smiles as he pulls down his mask.

Jay wants to pass out. Just the way he called his name with that smile.

Ah.. Just being beside him makes Jay happy.


At the end, Daniel slept in Jay's house, because he forgot about time and didn't realized it has already reached 11PM..

At school, he borrowed Jay's clothes just for this day.

'I just realized that, Jay's clothes are.. big.'

Daniel and Jay comes into their class to be welcomed with shocked friends.

"Isn't that Jay's clothes?!" Zack asked, a bit flaming

"Yeah.. Last night i slept in Jay's house."

"You guys.. What did you do-"

Jay became a blushing mess when Zoe asked that. Daniel who was very confused on what his friends are all thinking.

Daniel just pushed aside his thoughts, and opened his phone. Well.. Damn he was surprised, seeing 26 missed calls and 51 chats from..


—daniel park.
Gun! Im so sorry, i muted my phone last night.

—gun. . .
where were you.

—daniel park.
I was at my friends house..

There was no reply from Gun

—daniel park.
Im sorry, Gun

I should've told you last night.

Were you worried?

—gun. . .
what do you think?

—daniel park.
(⁠ ⁠> ◜⁠‿⁠◝)>❣️

Heres a heart apology for you! Please dont be mad:(

—gun. . .
thank god you're cute.

Daniel chuckles reading the message Gun send.

–w/ Gun–

(⁠ ⁠> ◜⁠‿⁠◝)>❣️

Heres a heart apology for you! Please dont be mad:(


Gun leans at his work chair.

"You're making me obsessed with you even more."

He smiled sinistery.



Chapter 2 done! Even though the chapters will be short, i'll try to update everyday!

And thank you for your guys warm welcoming<333

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