chapter 3

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"Why are you so reckless, hyung?" Daniel had said to the red head.

"I was doing all of this for you."

Daniel kept silent, after the red head said that. While patching up his wounds, he suddenly lies down on Daniel's lap.

"Hyung! Im not done.." Sighed Daniel.

"Its alright, just seeing you relieves my pain."


"Daniel, call me James."

"I dont dare to disrespect you."

"You're not, i told you to call me that."

Daniel kept silent. While looking at his hair.



"Hyung is like a strawberry.."

He smiles.

"Then, call me that instead."

Daniel strokes his hair.



"You onced called me hyung, then strawberry, then DG. Why cant you just call me by my name?" DG hugs Daniel's average little body.

"You're very desperate."

"You call everyone by their names. Why cant i?"

Daniel only kept silent.

"DG.. I need to go, i have a plan with my friends."

"Call me by my name first."


"Thats not my name."

Daniel kept his composure, while DG didn't. He was very unpatient.

"Just, this once. Alright?" Daniel sighs in defeat.


Daniel smiles.


Ah.. such music to his ears.


"James." Daniel repeated.

DG unhugs Daniel. He lowered down his head, with his face blushing red.

"Thank you."

No respones from Daniel, instead Daniel strokes his hair. Which made DG surprised.

"I'll be going. Once i get back, lets go buy ice cream together."

And that, Daniel left DG frozen in his spot. DG squats as he messes up his own hair.

'Ah.. Daniel. You're making me crazy.'


Daniel lied.

He doesn't have any plans, he just wanted to run away from DG.

"Well then, lets just take a walk around the park."

Honestly, he hates taking walks.

"Why did you cheat on me?! I loved you!"

"Love, please hear me out!"

Daniel felt bad, but again he kind of laughed at how a dramatic that was. Well, its because Daniel haven't experience love as well.

'I wonder.. If theres anyone that have taken a liking to me.'

Daniel stops to take a seat at the bench. Then, he opens his phone.

—strawberry. . .
You better keep your promise.

Daniel smiles.

"How childish."

—daniel park.
You know, im not that kind of person to break them

—strawberry. . .
I know.

For Daniel, DG was the bestest friend he could ever ask for.

—daniel park.
Im going to tell you something, but

Dont laugh

—strawberry. . .
What is it?

—daniel park.
I love you

No replies. And suddenly, he was offline. Daniel frowned.

"Hes making fun of me, isnt he."

Daniel sighed and put his phone aside. He felt tired, so he rested his eyes. Slowly by slowly, he fell into a peaceful sleep.

–. . . .

"You're useless."

"Im sorry, father."

"Thats disgusting how you call me that."

He tightened his grip onto his face.

"You're pretty face wont be as pretty as it was before."

And that, is the last words he heared. Before receaving a beautiful beating.

–. . . .

"Ah, you're awake?"

Daniel panicked a bit.

"Dont be afraid, this place is a hospital."


But, he noticed that.. She was beatiful, just like his mother, but more younger.

"Whats wrong?"

"..Thank, you.."

"Its nothing, really. It wasnt me who found you."

"Then.. Who?.."


–. . . .

"Hyung, hyung.." He said repeatingly

He holds Daniel's face, who was bloody. Bruised.

'That wench.'

Its not like that he cares this much for a person. But, Daniel was such important figure to Koji.

"I'll take it, hyung."

Koji hugs his body, with care, with love.

"I'll take your revenge."

Daniel flinched.

"Dont sleep here, you'll get a cold."


Daniel smiles.



Sorry for the late upload!! I was out with my friends all day long, so i didnt have time to write:')

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