4.The Adventures of Yuko and Yuka

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Let's say that Yuko came to work on the first day of her new unit. She used to be in the car business, and now she is also in the car business. She works in a car dealership in the urban area that specializes in selling all kinds of brand-name modified cars. She is familiar with modified cars, even her own red car. Convertibles, too, were converted, the only car class in our group of friends.
On the first day of work, she was not busy contacting business. In order to understand the characteristics of all modified cars in the dealership, she read all the mechanical function introductions, opened the hood, and checked whether it was consistent with the content explained in the manual. Drilling in and out of the car.
Because she likes to wear miniskirts, she wears miniskirts almost every day. She has more than 30 miniskirts to replace, and every time she bends down, she will attract attention. The chores will be suspended because of her bending over, but she likes to wear thongs that can't cover her buttocks, and most of her buttocks are exposed through the glass stockings.
Yuko was bending over to inspect the interior of a Mercedes six-seater luxury limousine at this time. The weather was hot in the afternoon, the number of customers coming to the door dropped sharply, and the car dealership was quiet.
At this time, a tall and straight man wearing a brand-name suit walked into the car dealership. As soon as Yuko saw him, she felt professionally that he was really here to buy a car, so she tended to go.
"Hello, sir, I am the business here, my name is Yuko Kitamura, and this is my business card."
The man took the business card, looked at it and said, "There are very few women selling modified cars. Are you familiar with modified cars?"
"Fortunately, the refitted car is no better than the original car. It has more personality than the original car. This car dealer has a lot of new original cars and then refits them; there are also old cars with the entire engine updated, only the sheet metal is kept. For example, this new VW has a jet engine and a big outboard, while this 1942 Chrysler has only the body and the engine is new."
"So which car would you suggest I buy?"
"Can I have a business card?"
"Oh, sorry." The man took out a business card from his wallet.
Yuko took the business card, which said Kazuo Koike, chairman of Koike Pharmaceutical Company. Yuko looked at him, then looked at a famous Jaeger car parked outside the dealership, and thought: "What new brand-name original car do you want to buy? You just came to see a modified car. It is impossible for you to recommend one. to drive."
"This one, Mr. Koike, is the newly-launched Lamborghini jeep, with high horsepower and thick steel plate, four-wheel drive, climbing mountains and wading like walking on flat ground."
"The general jeep is like this, I thought there was some special function!"
"Do you want special features? Remote control searchlights, laser scanning, multi-functional interior, hydraulic cylinder air cushion at the bottom of the car can be used for both water and land, and a high-horsepower boat maneuvering machine is installed, and the speed can reach 15 knots per hour."
"There are so many special functions, please help me explain more."
At the request of Kazuo Koike, Yuko took Koike to drill around in and under the car. Although it was the first day of work, with her original knowledge of modified cars and a morning of "study", she was able to explain it well. In every detail. Of course, Koike followed her in and out, so he didn't know much about the car, but Yuko's "butt" saw a lot.
After the introduction, Yuko asked him, "What do you think, Mr. Koike? Oh! Why are your eyes so red and swollen!"
Kazuo Koike rubbed his eyes and said, "I'm watching too carefully, I'll just rest for a while." As he said that, he bumped his feet lightly.
"You drank before coming here! Come here and rest!"
Yuko helped him to sit on the sofa, poured a glass of water, and presented the contract.
"You must like this car! Look at you drunk." At this moment she thought to herself, of course you must be drunk when you see my ass!
"I like it, I like it, I bought it." Kazuo Koike took out a gold pen to sign the contract, and then took out a checkbook. "How much do I have to pay you?"
"The car price, insurance, and taxes total 4.925 million."
With a wave of Koike's golden pen, the check was signed, and he tore it off and handed it to Yuko. Holding the check, she thought to herself, "I sold a car on the first day I went to work. I'm so lucky."
"Miss Kitamura, are you married?"
"I'm single, and I live with a few single friends..." Yuko briefly explained the living conditions at home.
"How did you know I'd need a car like this?"
"Guess, seeing that you drive a Jaguar sports car, why would you buy a modified car? Probably because you want to drive it out for fun! So I recommend you to buy a jeep!"
"I bought this car correctly, but you guessed wrong. Don't tell others that I will buy a car from you, and that car will also be transferred under your name."
"Use my name!" At this moment, she really didn't understand, thinking: Isn't this the same as giving it to me? Just to see my ass not so expensive.
"You don't have to worry, I'll tell you when the time comes, now I'm going back, you send me to the car, you want to kiss me goodbye, make a little kiss, remember."
As he stood up and was about to go out, Yuko thought to himself: Maybe this is just one of his tricks to court women! Seeing that the customer's request is not too much, it is better to cooperate!
But Kazuo Koike of Koike Pharmaceutical, she couldn't figure out how she met him there, how could he come here after him? Fortunately, he didn't take advantage of Yuko, but just kissed her gently on the cheek .
It was coming off work soon, and Yuko wanted to make a call to inform Yuka, because she always drove Yuka to and from work. As soon as she picked up the phone, a colleague told her: "Yuko Kitamura's four-line phone." She pressed the button.
"Hello, Kitamura, please say... oh, Mr. Koike...for dinner!...But I have to pick up a roommate...We have a very good relationship, and we talk about everything...What a shame...What! Please ask me if you have something to say, you are too polite...well, see you at six o'clock."
Yuko hung up the phone and thought: Kazuo Koike came to ask me out for dinner, and he moved really fast, and he wants me to take Yuka with him, do you want to shoot two eagles with one arrow? That Kazuo Koike looked like a playboy and a master flirt at first glance, and he couldn't be allowed to get away easily.
She made a phone call to explain the matter to Yuka, and then drove to pick up Yuka.
On the way, Yuko asked Yuka what's new on her first day at the new company.
Yuka works as a secretary at the Hojo Trading Company, and that trading company often has public service advertisements in newspapers and media, and it is quite a well-known company.
But Yuka doesn't seem to think so. She said: "There are so many problems in that company. Everything is decided by the boss alone. There is also a secretary named Kamiya who is said to be the boss's old lover, but she is already old. She fell out of favor and is still desperately fighting for power, and the worst thing is that a few young female secretaries know that the boss is lustful, so they take advantage of the favor and spoil the company, turning the company into a mess."
"It stands to reason that your boss is so lecherous, and the director of Kamiya is already old, how could he win over the young female secretary?"
"She doesn't rely on herself! She is so smart, she pulls beautiful female secretaries by her side, and fires her if she doesn't listen to her. Those who obey her are like paying tribute, dedicated to the boss, not those A young girl who fights alone can be compared, fighting in an organizational battle! So she can still call the wind and rain in the company!"
"It's so insidious, so don't you have any other male colleagues in your company?"
"Tie tofu with hemp rope, don't mention it. The turnover rate of male colleagues is higher than that of female colleagues. The most popular male colleagues are the boss's personal bodyguards. The boss may have done a lot of bad things. He is afraid that someone will seek revenge on him, so there are six bodyguards.The most disgusting thing is that when the boss is not around, those bodyguards bully the female colleagues. Today is my first day at work, and they dare to lift my skirt!"
"It's so hateful, I will definitely avenge you. But it's hard for you to be so knowledgeable on the first day of work."
"Hey, is this a compliment or a sarcasm?"
"None, it's admiration."
"I'll hit you." As they spoke, the two began to play in the car.
Not long after we met, the car arrived in front of a Japanese restaurant called "Nujiri". Yuko led Yuka into the restaurant, and she pointed to the signboard of this restaurant and asked Yuka, "Do you know what these two words mean? "
"have no idea."
"It means angry anus."
"Is it diarrhea?"
The two of them walked into the business hall of the restaurant, explained the purpose of coming here, and then were led to a side room, and Kazuo Koike was already in that room.
Koike ordered the waitress in the restaurant to bring the dishes. Yuka introduced herself to Kazuo Koike.
This Yuko is enthusiastic and glamorous, and Yuka is soft and cute. It is a very beautiful thing to be able to share dinner with two beauties with different temperaments, but Kazuo Koike did not show any joy in his eyes. Instead, he lowered his head in frustration, as if The supper before death.
Yuko thought to himself, this guy is either a master of acting, or he has encountered a huge trouble, let him see how he continues to act.
The food was delivered, and it was really rich. Yuko and Yuka still bowed their heads when they saw Koike, so they just ate their food first, and talked about their own affairs, of course they also took care of Koike.
But seeing that he didn't talk much, he didn't bother too much.
After 70% full and 30% drunk, Yuko couldn't help but blurt out when she saw that Koike was silent and the dinner was coming to an end.
"Mr. Koike, this dinner is very rich, thank you very much, but we are already full for the sake of our body, it seems that you are also on a diet for your body."
Kazuo Koike sighed softly and said, "Do you think I can't eat because of my diet? I am troubled by a huge trouble, which will kill me sooner or later, but my life is not important, the most important thing is It's that secret."

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