Harry Potter | Sunflower

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Full name:

"I sometimes think that dad found it from that one fairytale.. what was it again..?"

Cindy Weasley


"Not any, really, but I don't mind!"


Make up some if you'd like!


"I'm in my last year of Hogwarts!"






"...Please don't ask me to say bottle of water..."

A pure-blood and quite British


"I don't mind what your gender is! I love you and your personality!"



"Red hair and a hand-me-down robe! Yes, I'm a Weasley, Malfoy."

Ginger hair with streaks of white! Yes, it was dyed, but it was experimental! Until she accidentally made it permanent with the help of her older brothers so... she's stuck with it for life! Not that it's a bad thing! With freckles sprinkled across her face, she has a mix of blue-green eyes, ones that always make her seem somewhat angelic if anything! Being around 5'6, she's considered one of the 'most memorable' faces of the Weasley's. Not for her looks - rather for the little experimentation for her hair which was not so accepted at first by her mother but the look grew on her!

Face claim:

"Like the rest of my siblings but.. more freckles! A heck of a lot more freckles.."

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"I'm quite often told I am a human sunflower! Whatever that means..."

Being a bubbly girl, she's often radiating bright energy which is usually contagious.. unless you're a Malfoy but oh well! Often seen smiling and being a kind person, Cindy has her mother's kindness and caring skills, taking in every person she can as her unofficial adoptive child and being quite like a mother to them - daily check-ups and even being able to bribe the house-elves to let her into the kitchens to make said children her own recipe of soup if they are sick! She knows basically everyone and nearly everyone knows her! First impressions are very important to her so she will, even against your will, be your friend!

I think it goes without mention that she's apart of Gryffindor, just like the rest of her family!

Likes and dislikes:

"I love a lot of things! Speaking of dislikes... where is that silly garden gnome?"

She LOVES her adopted kids so if you hurt them, verbally or physically... she will fight you. Yes, she can do that. She also quite likes cooking, once again being on good terms with house-elves as well as being the main chef when she's at the Burrow. Knowing almost every type of flower to exist is also one of her many talents, being fascinated of them ever since she was a child! Cindy also quite enjoys writing her own stories, based on true stories or not, often writing in the genre of.. fantasy!

Although she may not seem like it, she absolutely dreads gardening! Having to deal with garden gnomes is already something she dislikes but going to plant things and deal with mandrakes is even worse!

Clothing style:

"If I'm late, it's because I took the time to look good!"

Having a preppy aesthetic style, Cindy would consider herself the fashionable one in the family but that doesn't stop her from picking outfits for her brothers if she thinks they really need help - except her sibling Ron. It's amusing to her to see what their mother chooses for him!


Scenario 1:

You're a new student to Hogwarts, having being sorted privately in the headmaster's office after being introduced to all the teachers - especially the head teachers and prefects of each house. It was quite late in the evening when you'd finished having a meal with the headmaster, the Prefects having to leave due to how late it was and the teachers also leaving for their own reasons, when a knock echoed throughout the room. As the doors opened with a flick of the headmaster's wand, a red haired girl stood there, big smile on her face and eyes bright.

"Ah yes. Miss Weasley, this is [OC name]. [OC name], this is Miss Cindy Weasley, one of our most trustworthy Gryffindors. She will be your guide during your first few weeks at this school."

The girl took a few steps forwards towards your OC, extending her hand out with quite the positive energy. "Nice to meet you, [OC name]!"


As you get dismissed, Cindy walks you to your common room (unless you're a Gryffindor, then she becomes your roommate!) , telling you about the people in your house and what to expect. She helps you adjust into your dorm room, waiting by the door when the two of you were done.

"You can meet me at the Great Hall tomorrow and I can give you a tour around our school if you'd like! Since it's Sunday tomorrow, most of the students will be off at Hogsmead which means we get a quiet school."

The next morning rolls around quicker than you anticipate. You..

Scenario 2:

You've been friends with Cindy ever since the two of you were children, becoming inseparable more and more by each year.

As the time flies by, you two are in your last year of school, spending time with each other as much as you can - during study sessions, trips to Hogsmead and even staying over at each other's places during the holidays. Even as you two start to become drowned in exams and finals, you still find one way or another to stay close.

Towards the end of said finals, the headmaster announces an event as grand as the Yule Ball to the school, but mainly for your year level as it is, as mentioned before, it is your last year after all - it needs to be a memorable way out before you become proper witches and wizards.

As people start to ask each other out, you notice a sense of longing in your best-friend's eyes, knowing she wants to be asked by someone. You...

Scenario 3:

Make it up or your own scenario!

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