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"WILL!!!" Nico yelled his husband had stolen the remote and was hiding it somewhere "yes Nico?" Will appeared around the corner Nico narrowed his eyes "don't play around with me William. Where. Is. The. Remote?" Will snickered "oh i don't know" Nico snorted "Wiiillll cake boss is on" when Will just giggled and tapped his fingers together evilly Nico ran to the couch and grabbed a pillow. Seeing what was about to go down Will ran out of the living room and retrieved a pillow from their bed and ran back. Nico raised his pillow above his head and screamed "FOR THE REMOTE!!!" And charged at Will. Will repeated this action and the two collided pillows swinging and battle cry's in the air when the boys were half done their daughter Angel walked in the living room holding the remote and giggling "hi dad! Hi daddy! I'm hungryzzzz" the two fathers glanced at each other. Nico then kissed Will and while he was distracted leaped at the remote and pulling it from Angels hands and yelling "YES THE REMOTE IS MINE VICTORY!!!!"

Lol this story was based of that pic ;)

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