~: Lillith :~

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It's an odd thing to be in love with a murderer. The excuses you make for them, the strange and ironic feeling of safety and protection when you're with them. Everyone tells you're crazy. They tell you, you're sick and need help. They offer all kinds of unhelpful advices without even bothering to see your side of it. People becomes disgusted by you. Or they start to pity you. Or in many cases they're afraid of you. After all, what kind of person falls in love with a monster? Maybe, someone dangerous.
Someone like ME !!

Six months passed by without any information of Victor.
No calls
No texts..
As if he disappeared into thin air.
It took everything of me to stay sane and keep going. The news of Charles Genovese's death spread like wildfire all over the world. My not so big friends group of 4 people paid me an unannounced visit to put some sense on my crippling mind that Victor is injurious to my health and I should get over my hysteria of falling in love with him for my own good. They all know and believed that Victor's the culprit. But, love makes people do crazy things. Threatening them with their lives wasn't a good idea but I did that nevertheless. Somehow I feel obliged to Victor that whatever the situation is, it's because of me. And that definitely cost me a lot. Yujae, Suzy, and Lee are on the verge of breaking all ties with me. They barely contacted with me after that. But Lisa still does. She still believes that I'll understand one day and will eventually give up on my hysteria over Victor.

But how can I make her understand that Victor isn't just my obsession. He's yang to my yin. He's the only one who complements my dark and twisted soul perfectly. He' s my redemption.

It's like just another day but there's something that feels different. Something's going to happen and I can feel it in my guts. The weather's gloomy and feels like the silence before the storm. The turmoil that's going to wreck havoc in my life. I entered my cabin and found the old file of Genovese's stacked on my desk. I was going to throw them away when Daniel entered. Handsome and masculine, as always. These past couple of weeks have been different for both of us. Somehow, I ended up speaking every other details of my life to Daniel and just like Victor he accepted and supported me. Yes, just like Victor. But not Victor. There's something similar in both of them still they feel poles apart.

Daniel came towards me and enveloped me in a warm embrace, resting his chin over my head. For the last couple of weeks, I have started to find a certain peace in Daniel. He's been someone I can look up to, reach out to whenever I feel down. We were long lost in each other when suddenly there's a knock on my cabins door. Roberto came in. He's the new recruit and it didn't went unnoticed that Daniel favours him. Maybe an old acquaintance.

"There's a message for you sir."
"Yes?" - Daniel asked.
"A company named The Imperium wants to strike a deal with us. They want to fund our new project. Why? I don't know. They're looking forward to a visit." - Roberto admitted.

Imperium. THE IMPERIUM. A chill washed over me. Though I don't hold any grudges against it or a dark past with it, still it haunts me because of its mysterious significance. The way my hundreds of questions were put to rest. I couldn't find any proper information regarding them. I shifted in my position and Daniel noticed it. He hummed and dismissed Roberto.
"Does that name rings any bells?" - He asked impatiently.
" Nothing much. Just two information which are poles apart. One they're a company that supplies hospital itineraries all across the globe and trustees to a large number of renowned hospitals.
Two, there's a name, IMPERIUM in the dark world. It's the leading mafia association and the biggest rival of the leading mafia families. But unfortunately, there's no trace of them and no evidence against them. As if they works in air, lives in air, feed in air. I must admit whoever the boss is, he has to be deadly and must be a great architect of crime to hide something so big, so efficiently." - I replied wryly unable to hide my admiration for this mob boss.

"So? What are we doing then?" - Daniel asked out of habit.
"I'm curious" - I stated.
Daniel went over to my desk and called the manager.
"Fix an appointment at 5 this evening with the Imperium."- He ordered and cut the call.

"- He ordered and cut the call

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