Wally's Nightmare

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It was nearly sunset in the Welcome Home neighborhood when Wally's friends started packing their stuff for their first ever slumber party together. Sleep was a foreign concept for Wally since he never had the need for sleep in his life. Regardless he thought a fun and exciting night party would be a wonderful chance to strengthen the bond of his neighbors. So, he decided to host the slumber party at his place so that Home could also be included in the fun. Wally started reading the book that Frank let him borrow on how to set up a slumber party. It confused him at first, but he eventually started to understand what he needed to do.

Barnaby decided to come over to Wally's place early just in case his best friend needed some help with setting up. When he learned that Wally never had a sleepover and never had the need for sleep, he knew that he would most likely need some assistance. He gathered his stuff for the night and started making his way to Wally's. Luckily, the neighborhood was very small so it wasn't that far of a walk.

"Hi Home!" Barnaby said while he smiled and waved at Home.

*Squeak* *Squeak* Home responded.

"Are you excited for the slumber party?" He asked the sentient building.

*Squeak* *Squeak* *Bam* Home replied with excitement and opened the door for Barnaby to invite him inside. He then walked inside the house and started looking for his friend. It didn't take long to find Wally when he heard a thump from the living room. He rushed over to the source of the sound to find his friend laying next to a mountain pile of pillows and blankets. He assumed that the pile was heavy for Wally and wanted to take a break from the weight.

"You doing alright there, bud?" Barnaby asked his friend who lifted himself off the ground and turned his attention to the new voice in the room. Wally then awkwardly chuckles to his friend when he makes eye contact with him.

"Welcome Barnaby! I'm alright, I just had trouble with bringing all these blankets and pillows down here." Wally responded while staring back down at the heavy pile. Barnaby set his bag down next to a sofa and kneeled down to his short friend.

"Good thing I came here when I did. Want me to help you set up for the slumber party?" Barnaby asked.

"That would be wonderful. This slumber party thing is still new to me. This book that Frank gave me hasn't been that helpful, Ha, ha, ha." Wally answered in a monotone voice.

"I understand, that's why I came here. I figured that you would like some advice on how to set it up." Barnaby told his friend and put his hand on his shoulder. With that, Barnaby stood back up and started helping Wally with setting up the living room and preparing all their favorite snacks. His little friend got distracted by the apples on the counter and was staring at them for a majority of setting up. The moment everything was ready, Home opened the door for the newly arriving guests.

"Hey guys, are you all ready to party?!" Julie shouted when she ran to the living room with her arms full of stuff for the night and was jumping up and down from her excitement.

"Ha ha ha, we sure are, neighbor." Wally replied in a monotone voice. When he finished his reply, Eddie and Frank walked into the living room, holding each other's hand with smiles on their faces.

"Hi Frank! Hi Eddie!" Wally greeted and waved to the newly arrived guests. The couple waved back at him as they placed their stuff on the floor.

"Hey Wally, are you excited for the best night of your life?" Eddie asked him, calmly.

"I sure am!" Wally answered with excitement, but still monotone. Eddie then, happily, pats Wally on the head and joins Frank on the couch. The rest of the neighbors finally arrive and they all gather in the living room and start chatting away.

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