Phone call

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We haven't been to Woodsboro in five years. Sam and I moved to California, got the same job.Sam even had a boyfriend, I think, Richie Kirsch.. It wasn't very interesting to me. Enjoyed life in general. Up to one call.
It was a completely ordinary day, an ordinary shift, ordinary people. Carpenter and I decided to go outside during lunch and sat down on the curb. The shop door opened from behind.
-Excuse me, miss, what are these pills?- it turned out to be Richie.
- Pills for your boner.  - Sam said, turning to face the guy.- Good luck to you now in this case.
- You're my pills.
-Ugh, what a disgusting thing, don't say that anymore.- I was filled with some strange feeling, jealousy or something like that? At any other time, I wouldn't have paid any attention to their words.
- Come on.-Sam hugged me and put her head on my shoulder.- Damn, the phone is ringing.
The girl pulled away from me and took her mobile phone out of her pocket .
- You'll answer later.- I dropped the call, but then a message came from "Wes".- what? Is this Tara's friend?
- He asks me to call him back, writes that it's about Tara.
- Wes, Tara?- Richie touched me on the shoulder to make me answer him, which I just waved away.
-Damn it, Emma.-Sam took my hand and dragged me to the car.
- what?What happened?  -I screamed trying to stop the girl.
- Tara, she's hurt. She's in the hospital. We're going back to Woodsboro.
- I'm sorry, but why did you decide that I want to come back?
The friend stopped.
-You... what?Tara could have been killed,Emma!We have to go! -.Sam screamed so hard that my ears hurt. She took me by the shoulder and opened the car door.- Hurry up and sit down.She's your sister.
- No, and she never was. Let me go, go alone.
There was silence, Sam didn't want to believe what I said. There were tears in her eyes. After a short silence, she got into the car and drove away. Finally, the guy who was watching us from the side came up.
-Emma,it's not about Tara. It's about you, Sam needs you right now.Why did you leave her when she needed you so badly?
- What do you want? Sam's already gone. -I quipped and headed back to the store.
- I haven't left yet.- Kirsch pointed to his car.- Let's help your sister.
-Damn it, I really let her down. Let's Go.


- I've never watched a "stab".-Richie admitted that he was driving.
- You didn't watch the "stab"? Even the one that came out last year? -I slapped him lightly on the shoulder.
-Well, I haven't watched Spider-Man either... but I don't think it's a huge hole in my cinematic education.
- Most of these films are based on what happened here.- I explained to the guy.- Well, for example... A guy named Billy Loomis and his friend...
- What friend?
- Stu Macher. Billy Loomis and his friend Stu Macher stabbed a group of teenagers in ghost costumes.
- Was it like Halloween?  -Kirsch asked.
- What? No, not like Halloween...Okay, it's a bit like Halloween .- I turned on the chair to face the guy and began to tell more, already gesticulating. - And about once every ten years some freak comes up with a brilliant idea to put on a mask, kill his friends and become famous too.The last time this happened was in 2011.I'm surprised Sam didn't tell you.
- Wait, and we're with you... now... are we going there voluntarily?- The guy started to slow down.
- Firstly, you suggested it yourself, and secondly, we need to make sure that Tara is alive and that no one will kill Sam.
Richie put his hand on his heart.
- Don't be dramatic.
- But can I ask one question? -Kirsch almost whispered.
- Of course.-I did exactly the same thing.
-Why would someone in a mask want to kill your, uh, sister?
I started scrolling through Sam's bloodline in my head, as well as my own, and calmly replied.
- I have no idea.And Tara is not my sister.
After a while we arrived at the hospital, the address of which we found out when I called Wes.
Walking down the corridor, we caught up with Sam.
- Sam!!- I screamed.
- Emma? I thought so... but you refused, didn't you?
- She changed her mind.- Richie answered for me .
Sam hugged me and I whispered in her ear.
- Tara's in this room, why don't you come in?
- Because I have to tell the truth

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