Part 1

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Tae: Mom, I'm going to school
Mom: Ok son go and don't be late
Tai: Ok mom bye 
Tae: Oh Jisoo, how are you today?   
Jisoo: I'm fine. Shall we go to school before we're not late?
Tae: Ok let's go
Tae's friends: Hello, Tae, how are you? Oh, who are you with today?   
Tae: With Jisoo and it was nice today without problems with her ahhh
Tai's friends: Let's go to class
Tae: Ok let's go
Teacher:How are you all today?
the students: Alright
Teacher: Today I am going to change seats for some people because of a problem in the class
Students: Why, teacher We don't want that
Teacher: Come on Jisoo, go and sit next to Tae 
Tae's friends: oh haha
Jisoo: Ok sir, I will go and sit down
Teacher: Germain, go and sit next to Lisa
Germain: Good
Tae: You're welcome, Jisoo

my love ♥️ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن