Chapter 5

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I dropped my backpack on the floor, sighing heavily. Running upstairs, I get stopped at the top with Lance blocking my path. What is he doing here? "Whoa, what's got you in such a rush?" He asks through a soft chuckle.

"Nothing. Just leave me alone." I shove past him and head to my room, shutting the door hard.

"Something, wro-" Lance's voice gets cut off as I put my headphones on and listen to my music.

I didn't want to admit it, but something was wrong. After Daniel, Milo, who even cares anymore introduced his secret, I knew that people were going to figure out it was me. And for some reason, I hated the thought of everyone at school knowing about him becoming my step brother, especially because almost half the grade knew about our kiss by now. What would people think of me? I've made this terrible reputation of myself now. Although I think Joan and Raylin's Moms are single. So all I can do is hope that people believe it's one of them. But I'm pretty sure all of ninth grade is aware that my dad died two years ago, their Mom's only just recently became single. Okay, I'm worrying about this too much. Just take a nap. I always feel better after a good rest.

4:02 was the time I saw on my oldschool-looking alarm clock before I drifted off. When I woke up, it said 9:36. I rub my eyes. Yup, 9:36. Mom was probably in bed. Once I took off my headphones which were playing Lose You To Love Me, I heard the TV on downstairs. Hm, guess not. I climb out of bed, slipping my fluffy white bunny slippers on. As I slowly walked downstairs, I heard a voice that was definitely not Mom's. Once I got to the living room, I saw Mom and Lance sitting on the couch, cuddling as they watched How I Met Your Mother. He's still here?!? Lance hardly ever stays over this long. Mom noticed me standing there, blankly. "Oh, you're finally awake. Hungry? We left you some dinner. Chicken alfredo, your favourite."

"I made sure to add extra sauce for ya." Lance adds.

I look over at him. "You made it?"


Wow. I never thought he could cook. I mean, KD maybe. But chicken fettuccine alfredo? Now I have to try it, even if it is terrible. I go into the kitchen and notice a plate with another plate on top of it, upside down. I take off the top plate to reveal some pretty appetising alfredo. Even though it's been preserved, it's still kinda cold, so I put it in the microwave for 60 seconds.

"You could watch with us, sweetie." Mom suggests.

"No thanks. Maybe another time." I politely decline.

After the microwave beeped, I grabbed the plate of food out and went up to my room. I was surprised when Mom didn't shout after me, saying that I shouldn't be eating in my bedroom. Leaving my door slightly open, I sat down criss-cross on my bed, placing my plate in my lap. I picked up my phone from off my bedside table, calling Phoebe. Please still be awake, please still be awake, plea- "Hey!" Phoebe answered, sounding wide awake.

"Hi." I took a bite of the chicken on my plate. Not bad. "Did you hear about the rumour?"

"The one about Joan?" Phoebe asks, sending the message I needed to hear.

"Oh, so my name's not being thrown around?" I ask, feeling relieved.

"Nope. And I've tried my best not to give it away."

"Thanks." I twirl my fork around a piece of fettuccine, which does in fact have quite a lot of alfredo sauce on it. As I put it into my mouth, my eyes widened. "Mmm!"

There's a soft giggle on Phoebe's end. "What?"

"Oh, sorry." I lightly laugh myself. "Lance made some chicken alfredo for dinner. It's surprisingly really good. I never thought he could cook."

"Surprisingly? You do know he studied both Psychology and Culinary Arts in college, right?" Phoebe asks, sounding a little stunned.

"What?! No, I didn't. That's crazy. How did you know that?"

"I've done my research."

"Phebes, you're such a stalker!" I joke.

"Can you blame me?" Phoebe says kinda sassy, making me laugh 

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