Chapter 11

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I place a box labelled 'clothes' onto the floor of my new closet that's the size of my old bathroom. "Thanks for helping me move everything."

"No problem." Phoebe smiles. "And besides, I needed an excuse to see this place. It's gorgeous!" She stretches across the bed.

I shrug. "I'd call it over-the-top, but sure, we'll go with that."

"You sure you're okay with living here?" Phoebe asks, being concerned about my emotions, as usual.

I smile, being glad that I don't need to fake being happy here. "Yeah, I'm sure."

Phoebe tugs me onto the bed with her, wrapping me into a hug "I am so proud of you."

Once she lets go, I fake a frown. " I know, Mom."

"Hey! I am being supportive." Phoebe sits up, placing her hands on her waist. "Don't disrespect your mother."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever."

Phoebe gasps dramatically. "Is that attitude you're giving me, young lady?!?"

I cross my arms and scoff. "No."

"Is that back talk? That's it, I'm taking your phone for a week."

"Wow, harsh. Remind me to never be your child." I say through a laugh.

"Hey, a Mom's gotta do what a Mom's gotta do."

"Do you have your dress for tomorrow?" I ask, being super excited but also nervous.

"You know it! And it's beautiful. But not too much so that I'll out-shine you or your mom, but like right under there."

I hear Mom's crutches ticking against the floor. "Heyy, how are you girls doing?"

Phoebe smiles brightly. "Great. How are you, Tess?"

Mom smiles back. "Wonderful."

"How's your leg?" I ask, looking at the brace on her knee. Even though most of her leg has healed up a lot quicker than we'd expected, her knee is still sore and making it difficult to walk and stand stable on her own.

"I'm glad you asked." Mom grins, putting her crutches aside and standing just fine. Wobbly, but amazing! It's a miracle!

"Whoa!" Phoebe's eyes widen.

"Whoa is right! Mom, you're standing!"

"Yes, I am." Mom says through a small laugh.

I get up and hug her and she hugs me back. "Dinner's almost ready." Mom infers, then looks at Phoebe. "Would you like to join us?"

"I'd love to." She smiles.

As Mom and Lance discuss the final touches to the wedding, Phoebe, Daniel and I burst about how excited we are.

"And I just know that I'm going to look amazing in all the photos." Daniel brags, crossing his arms, trying to look cool.

Phoebe and I laugh. "Yeah, sure."

"Speaking of photos, who's Layla?" Phoebe smirks. "I saw her on your insta."

"My girlfriend." He admits almost a little too casually. His girlfriend? I should have known. Although it doesn't bother me anymore. I've made peace with the fact that I just can't like Daniel, and I don't anymore.

We spent the whole night laughing, playing games and chatting until our faces were sore. It felt so nice to have Phoebe to be a part of it as well, because she is family too. Family. That's what Lance and Daniel will become tomorrow, and I'm ready for it. 

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