press conference together <3

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a/n hope you guys enjoyed my previous one shot, and enjoy this one :)

requests are always open!

y/n pov:
I am in the wings ready to go onstage for a press conference for 'The Hunger Games' I play Wave, a tribute from district 9. My girlfriend Jen is also in the movie, she's the star! Katniss Everdeen. We met on set of the movie and have been together for 4 and a half months now.

I was waiting for my name to be called to go on stage, when a hand grabbed mine, and kissed my cheek. I turned to see my girlfriend. "Jen!" I whispered as I couldn't be loud backstage. "hey cutie" she smiled at me. "Jennifer Lawrence" someone on stage said and Jen walked on. I saw that when she sat down. she moved the name tag next to her and put a finger to her lips to the audience. I waited a few more moments and my name was shouted "y/n y/l/n!" I then walked on, waved at the crowd and looked for my name tag. It was the one Jen moved next to her. I looked to her and smirked, she smirked back and whispered to me "I had to be next to my favourite"

"and that's the cast of 'The Hunger Games! questions are now open" the announcer said. I was looking at the girl asking a question, when Jen put her hand on my thigh, I looked at her and smiled. Another girl came up and asked. "hi everyone, I just wanted to say I love The Hunger Games first of all" the audience cheered then she continued. "my question is for Jennifer" she says looking at my girlfriend next to me. "how long did it take for you to do the iconic Katniss braid every day on set?" the girl asked. "well" Jen started. "at first it took a while, to figure out how we wanted it done, then it became like second nature as I had it done every day" Jen says into the mic, to which the audience applauded.

A few more questions were asked, with responses from the cast. "hi my question is for Jennifer and y/n" a girl started. Jen and I looked at her. "there has been rumours speculating of a relationship between you two, are the rumours true?" she asked and the crowd went loud, wanting a response too.

did I forget to mention, no one besides our friends, family and the cast knew about our relationship?

Jen just looked at me and began laughing, I laughed with her. the rest of the cast began laughing, as they obviously know. "well" Jen started but just didn't know what to say. she looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders, fans were going to find out at some point, they might as well know now. I leant over to the mic and said "yep" the crowd went mental, Jen and I just looked at each other smiling. Josh puts his hand on my back and pats is as he is one of my closest friends.

"thank you!!" the fan said into the mic, happy. The press conference continued, more questions asked. Someone asked Liam, who was on the other side of Jen, a question. "do you ship Everlark?" the boy asked. That's Peeta and Katniss' ship name, I giggled, as I know Liam is sick of this question. I leant my head on Jen's head as I usually do and the audience awed. Jen laughed and Liam looked confused. then he looked at me. "oh" he said realising why the crowd roared. "nah I ship y/s/n (your ship name with Jen)" Liam said into the mic and everyone screamed again. I took my head of Jen's shoulder and laughed again.

I got another question. "do you think Wave could have defeated Katniss and Peeta if she hadn't fell?" the fan asked. my character died from falling out of a falling tree, that a girl from District 1 cut, before it falling on her and killing her too. "yes" I said bluntly. I laughed, as did Josh and Jen did.

Jen got a question. "what's your favourite quote from the whole movie? one you said and one that another cast member said" the fan asked. "my favourite that I said is, obviously 'I volunteer' and I have two other favourite lines can I say both?" Jen asked the fan. "yeah" she answered. "one is from Peeta, when he says 'because, because she came here with me' and then one from Wave, when she says 'the capitol can't touch me in here'" Jen answered smiling. I looked at her and smiled, putting my hand on her thigh now.

The press conference came to an end and we all stood up from our seats and as I went to walk off Jen took my hand, causing the fans to scream, once again.

a/n hope you guys liked this, i'll try do more fluffy ones soon!!

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