◍𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙖 𝙅𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙮◍

24 3 1

"Guys run faster!" Itto yelled.

"We're trying" the others huffed.

Are they running? From what.

Finally opening her eyes she saw several men running at her, spears held  closely to their sides.

Startled she jolted upward, causing Itto to lose his balance.

"Hey stop moving so much" he huffed in frustration.

Ignoring his request she continued moving until she felt herself slowly slipping in someone's grasp.

"Why are we running" she asked while pushing herself up to sit on his shoulder.

"While you were catching some Z's the commission showed up and tried to arrest us" Kuki answered.

"Why didn't you just take them out" she asked.

"I can't knock them out Infront of Shizune?!" She said as Inessa finally noticed the little girls presence on Kuki"s shoulders.

She sat there with a frightened expression on her face, tiny fingers pulling on her sisters hair.

They could've just covered her eyes, OH MY ARCH-

"Cover her eyes!" She shouted to Kuki while slowly pulling out her bow.

"Shizu close your eyes for me, and no peeking" she said and quickly the
little girl brought her hands up to her face, barely covering her eyes.

Just as the little girl closed her eyes Inessa pulled back the strings of her
bow and aimed for the closest guard behind them.

Quickly the arrow pierced through the air and punctured the guard
in the shoulder, propelling him backwards and into the men behind him.

"Did you get them?" Itto asked while coming to a stop to which she hummed in response.

"Finally" he huffed.

"Okay role call" he said before collapsing to the ground with Inessa falling onto him.

"Hey-" she rose off him quickly but was cut off from continuing her sentence when Shizune ran up behind her.

"Are you okay?" she asked while checking Inessa for any small scratches.

"I think you should be asking your sister that" but the little girl didn't pay attention to what she had said.

"Genta, Akira and Mamoru, Kay we have everyone" he sighed before resting on Nessa's shoulder.

"I am not a pillow" she sighed, trying to push his head off her shoulder.

"Guys we gotta move" Shinobu turned to face the others.

"Again" he groaned into her shoulder.

"C'mon guys, move quickly" Kuki says while grabbing Shizu.

And before Nessa could get up on her own she felt Itto lift her up into the air and onto his shoulder again.

"Where are we headed to?" Akira asked.

"Amakane Island, its up ahead" Kuki pointed to the island only a couple minutes away.

"And then what are we gonna do, just sit around until we get arrested?" Genta asked.

"No we're gonna flee the country by wave rider" she answered.

"And go where" they panicked.

"Just shut up and wait till we get there" she said.

And before they knew it they made it to the island in one piece.

"Guys get in quick, Nessa grab Shizu and get in" Kuki shouted.

"Isn't this thing to small, it can't fit all four of us" Itto asked.

"It's bigger than it looks" she said opening the wave rider to reveal
that it was actually larger on the inside.

"Head to The nearest island" Kuki yelled to the others before getting in the rider.

"Hey stop right there" the guard stopped a few feet away from them
but they were already inside the boat.

"Wait guys how do I drive this thing" Itto turned to ask them.

"Why'd you get in the front if you can't drive, can anyone drive this thing?" She turned to Nessa.

"Why'd you turn to me, do the others know how to drive?" She asked.

"Yeah but there in the other rider" Kuki facepalmed.

"Open the rider" the guard said from the outside.

"Okay I'll drive" Nessa decided, quickly shifting to the front seat.

And with that she pressed down on the peddle and shot off into the water.

"Wow it's actually moving, great job Nessa" Shizu said, somehow finding herself in Nessa lap again.

How does she keep appearing on my lap?

"Guys, we don't actually have a destination " Inessa stated.

"Let's just go to the nearest island and lay low." Shinobu said.

"You guys kinda forgot that I'm not from here, I have no clue which direction the nearest island is in" Nessa stated nervously.

"Me neither" Shinobu shrugged.

Don't you live here?!

"What are you guys talking about, the island is right Infront of us" he said pointing at the ocean.

"I don't see anything"

Just as she was about to say something else she felt the male behind her press into her back.

"Why are you always so close to me" she asked but received no answer.

Ignoring the question he shot his hand forward in a random direction and kept his eyes trained on the sea Infront of them.

After a while of crossing the ocean there was still nothing but Itto wouldn't let up.

"Look it's right there" he repeated to her.

"Use your elemental sight" he continued.

"I don't have a vision"

"Oh I forgot about that"

"Well I have a great idea" he gave her a tight lipped smile.

Is he irritated, if so then he can come drive this thing.

"I'll use my elemental sight to help you find the island" he slurred.

Oh he's sleepy

Looking over to the right seat she saw Shizune and Kuki peacefully sleeping together.

"Alright, but don't think you can use me as a pillow" she huffed.

"Just focus on the ocean Infront of you" he said tiredly, while placing his head on top of hers.

"Don't fall asleep, or else we'll get lost" she reminded him to which he hummed in acknowledgement.

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