CHAPTER-3 Rivals

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I woke up to the smell of Dry Gin and a pounding headache.

My eyes fluttered open I looked up to the white ceiling. With a stiff neck, I looked around the room to see a couple of Wine and Gin bottles scattered around the room.

As my eyes followed across my room they came back to the clock on the wall.

"Aye, I'm late" I screamed rushing to the bathroom.


As I rushed downstairs, I was greeted by my maid Kim Jisoo.

"Good morning, Madam." she said smiling.

" Morning Jisoo," I said while wearing a black leather jacket.

I signed with a little annoyance "And how many times have I told you to call me Y/N."

"I'm so sorry Mada- I mean Y/N I keep forgetting," she said scratching the back of her head.

"It ok, have you seen my father."

"No, he left earlier I'm not sure where to he got a call and left early this morning."

"Thank you, Jisoo." I said walking toward the door.

"Y/N you forgot about breakfast."

"I'm so late I'll have breakfast at my office." I smiled at her leaving the mansion.

I stepped out of the Mansion glancing at the sky.

My eyes came downwards to see a Black Lexus IS 500. In the driver set. In the driver set Hyunjin my driver was sited. He wore all black with a white shirt, His hair fell on his forehead and his eyes were dark down.

"Good morning, madam." He said while I got into the car.

"I hate that name." I muttered in a low voice.

"Good morning Hyunjin." I said rolling down the car window.

"Where to madam?"

"Take me to the office." I replied.

"Yes, Madam."


Sometime In the car I got a call from Jennie, I answered it immediately.

"Hi Jennie." I said smiling.

"Hi Y/N." Jennie called "You know you are the best friend in the world."

"Jennie, you sound weird you should just get straight to the point." I finally said.

"Okay, I will cut to the catches. There's a big event happening at the club today wanna tag in?" Jennie asked hoping for a clear answer.

I signed deeply "Jennie you know my story I can't I'm so busy lately. As a CEO I have so much-" She interrupted me before I could finish my sentence.

"And D.O. is performing it going to be lit you can't say NO now." she said so excited through the phone.

I can't say No to Jennie, she will hate me. No, let me just go with her this once.

"Okay, okay." I agreed "I'll be there can you stop nagging now!"

"I knew that you wouldn't let me down." She replied.

"Be there at 6 p.m.." she added.

"I will be there." I reassured her "Oh, Jennie before I forget I left my necklace at your place yesterday. That necklace is really important to me. I need you to bring it to me at the club." I said.

"Yes, of course." she replied, "See you later Y/N."

"Bye." I said cutting the call.

suddenly the car stops. I looked at the side of the window to see a large building in my father's company.

We are here Madam." Hyunjin said.

"Thank you Hyunjin." I said getting out of the car.

I walked into the building Everyone was quiet leaving my footsteps the only thing anyone could hear. I took the elevator to my office. As the elevator door was about to close a hand was put into the door stopping it from closing.

I swallowed hard.

"Morning, father." I said bowing with so much respect.

He glared at me and made me look down. He got into the elevator finally allowing the doors to close leaving me and him alone.

"You are late." he said with a deep and booming voice.

"I overslept, I'm sorry Father." I said scared.

"Let this not happen again." He said make me flinch.

"Yes, father." I said reassuring him that it won't happen again.


a/n: I'm so Sorry for the late update but Chapter -3 Rivals is done. I promise to update faster.

Pls comment and vote 😁💕❤️.


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