✧*̥˚ Date Night (1 of 2) *̥˚✧

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I woke up the next morning in an empty bed. I was marginally disappointed that Joel was not with me, but I know he probably had work. I roll over and check the time–8:15 am. I wipe the last of the sleepiness from my eyes and sit up in bed–looking through the window. Joel's bedroom is empty. He must be at work already.

I yawn, still hearing the hoarseness in my voice. I grab my phone and check my messages.

Sir: Hope you slept well, Darlin'. I don't know what your plans are today, but I have a short work day. Would you like to go out tonight? My treat.

A big stupid grin spreads across my face. Finally, an opportunity to know more about him outside of our assumed routine. Plus, there is a little part of me that sings with joy over the fact that he is not afraid to take me out somewhere in public. Our obvious age gap does not seem to bother him, which makes me extremely delighted.

I quickly respond.

Kes: I thought you'd never ask. What should I dress for?

Sir: I'll take care of that. Wear something comfy.

Kes: Whatever you say, Sir.

My curiosity peaked. Does he have something specific that he would like me to wear? Or is he taking me shopping?

Sir: Eat breakfast. I'll see you at 4. Be ready.

I groan. Why does eight hours sound like a lifetime away right now? I get up and opt to take a shower before I even think about breakfast.

I jump in the scalding shower, letting the water trickle down my face. Its warmth soothes the soreness I still feel in my jaw. I had never witnessed such an aggressive side of Joel–and that was saying something. Sure, he takes on this assertive role every time we collide, however last night was different. He felt more dangerous–more predatory. It's obvious that he has a short temper and a feral need to dominate. It was actually quite sexy.

He told me that the biggest lesson I would learn was the one where he runs out of patience. Did he have any left? I wonder what that would even look like. A dark part of me wanted to find out. Would he let me continue to push him, or would he shut that down real quick?

I quickly wash my hair and body and hop out of the shower. I lather some patchouli scented lotion on my naked body before throwing my pajamas back on and heading down stairs.

I was starving. I really expended a lot of energy last night. That is probably why Joel demanded I eat. I can't help but love that he cares and that he is pushing me to take care of myself. His soft side is just as sexy as his dark side, and I cannot decide which I crave the most.

Who am I kidding, of course I want to see more of his authoritative side. My stomach growls loudly, alerting me that I am depriving myself of food.

I decided to make eggs benedict and start working on the hollandaise sauce first. The smell is already wafting through the air, making my stomach growl again. I was excited to eat but I couldn't help but preoccupy my mind with other things that tasted good.

While I start poaching the eggs, I think back to the way my mouth could barely fit around his length. It was like he was carved from God herself. I couldn't wait to taste his cum, and I was aching to taste it again if I could. It was so fucking hot knowing that he used my mouth to fuck himself. Just thinking about it made my pussy throb with excitement.

I look down and see that my egg has already gone rubbery. Fuck, I left it to poach too long. I throw it out and begin again, this time trying to avoid any thoughts that might result in me missing breakfast. How would I even explain that to Joel? Sorry, daddy but I had to skip breakfast because I was too hungry for your cock instead.

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