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-Ana(stasia) Yevgenivna is a 15year old Russian girl who can speak French and Russian perfectly, she has a big accent in English, like her mother Svetlana.

-Her dad lives with his mother in Russia.

-She decided to live with her mother in Chicago because she had enough of her grandmothers bullshit

-She has green-gray eyes with wavy dirty blonde hair

-She is not fat but not skinny, she's in between. She has the perfect amount of curves: big boobs and a big ass.

-She plays piano

I was in the airplane, only five more hours until I can see my mom again.

It's been two years since I haven't seen her, I'm going to live with her wife and her boyfriend? I don't really understand their relationship.

I am going to transfer in a public school, I hope I'll be able to not be expelled in the first week.

My mom said I'll be able to work in a bar. In russia I was a stripper, yes you heard me, at 14 I was swinging down that pole. I was supposed to be a prostitute but my grandma on my dads side refused for me to be a fucked up like my mom -ouch.

"Ana!!" My mother says as she greets me with arms

"Привет мама (hi mom)" I say giving her a hug back "я скучал по тебе (i've missed you)"

"я тоже (me too)" She says

"hi Anastasia, I'm Veronica but you can call me V, this is Kevin but you can call him Kev" My new stepmom says

"hey there little russian girl" He says

"глупый человек? (stupid man?)" I ask

"очень (very)" My mom says

"nice to meet you" I say with my heavy Russian accent

We go in an uber and head to their house.

When we get closer, we see the houses get more and more dirtier, cheap. Not like I haven't seen anything worst.

We arrive an a pretty big house for this neighbourhood. We go inside and I take my luggage with me, Kev and V offered to take them but I declined.

They show me to my new room. It was white, not small but not that big, like the size of my old bedroom. There was a desk, a bed, a big wardrobe and there was a piano. A fucking piano, my mom must of said something.

I've played piano since I was born, I have a special talent you would say, if you play a song I can reproduce it on the piano in the minute.

Anyways, I turn to my mom shocked

"да, я купил тебе пианино (yes I got you a piano)" She says proudly

"Спасибо, мам (thank you mom)" I say giving her another hug

"пожалуйста (you're welcome)" she says

She leaves me alone in my room for a little bit. I put all my clothes away, then all my makeup stuff as well.

After I'm done I go down stairs, I was pretty tired, it was 7pm in Chicago so it was like two o'clock in Moscow, Russia.

"what do you want to eat Anastasia?" V asks

"whatever works" I say "and please drop the Stasia, I prefer to go by Ana"

I really have to improve my english, my accent is shit.

"pizza night it is" She says putting a number in her phone

The pizza gets here and oh my god I've never tasted this.

"I'm russia you don't есть (eat) pizza, you есть fish with whiskey" I say

"so I guess you like it?" V asks

"да (yes)" I answer

"that means yes" My mom says

"Okay, I think we have to start to learn the basics of russian" Kev says

I nodd

"can you speak other languages?" V asks me

"да (yes), Russian obviously, a little bit of English, и (and) French" I say

"cool" V and Kev say at the same time

"she has big brain, intelligent" My mom clarifies

"Спасибо (thanks)" I say to my mom

"that meant thank you!" Kev says

"yes" I answer

"so Svet tells me that you worked?" V says

"I was stripper, now bar tender" I say

"wait how old are you?" She asks me

"15" I answer

"damn you look like you're 19" Kev says

"Спасибо (thanks)" I say

I'll take any compliment I can get.

"спокойной ночи Ана (good night Ana)" My mom says giving me a hug before leaving my room

Tomorrow is going to be interesting.

End of chapter 1
So how do we like Svetlana's daughter? Am I going to far with the russian?

RUSSIAN LOVE|| Carl Gallagher x Anastasia YevgenivnaWhere stories live. Discover now