What would happen when Uppermoon 1 lost control in front of his master? What would happen if he can't eat humans anymore?...
And what would happen if he starts feelings for someone?
This is a Kokuzan story!
I just wanted to thank y'all for all the support I got on this story! This book is now finished and I'll probably upload a new one soon. I habe many ideas, but I'm not sure what I'll do first. But one think I also wanted to thank about are all these comments I got on my story. And as a way to say thank you want to share my favorites here:
(This got commented on the chapter where Douma "died")
And thanks for all the support!!
Thanks!! Kaigayku_rOar I think I literally saw you on every chapter- Also @JustKenji_ Byeee Hopefully see y'all on my next story!