twenty one

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❤︎ chapter twenty one
cornelia street

cami couldn't stop wringing her hands as they grew closer and closer to drew's moms house in north carolina

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cami couldn't stop wringing her hands as they grew closer and closer to drew's moms house in north carolina. finally, drew reached his hand over, separating cami's own and holding them still.

"cami, it'll be fine. i told you, they're so excited to meet you. i promise."

she sighed, watching his steady eyes on the road, the silhouette of his other arm holding the wheel. "i know, i'm sorry. i'm just nervous, that's all."

drew took their exit off the highway, and suddenly they were immersed in suburbia. his hometown was located in the western part of north carolina, where the blue ridge mountains ran through the state. here, there were four seasons—the november air still had a brittle chill to it, yet more refreshing and clean than new york city.

the song in the car was all too well, the ten minute version, played at cami's insistence. it was playing out, fading, into the fallen leaves of autumn and the very opposite of what the lyrics were, embodied in the two people sitting in the car.

drew's hand was still holding cami's loosely, resting on her thigh. she calmed her breaths. she had never wanted to kiss drew more than she did then; but she settled for a simple squeeze of his hand, her thumb running over his palm.

a show tune came on next—drew laughed, announcing, "this is definitely one of my songs."

she smiled, checking her phone. they had created a playlist of all their favourite songs together, to listen to because they were travelling so often. "yup," she confirmed.

they were getting closer to his mom's house, and drew gave cami a look. "i should probably warn you—my mom is definitely going to show you every single embarrassing photo of me on the planet."

"i'm excited—"

"no!" he exclaimed, laughing incredulously. "you need a fair warning, cami."

"i'm sure you've always been the beautiful boy you are today."

he glanced away from the road to her for a second. "you think i'm beautiful?"

she hit him lightly. "shut up, drew." he laughed, but she continued, telling him, "i do. you're the most handsome man i've ever laid eyes on, drew. i honestly—"

he pressed his hand over her mouth, cutting her off. "stop talking before i lean over and kiss you and probably crash the car."

he could feel her smile beneath his hand and took it away, returning his focus to the road. cami opened her phone to take a photo of him, and another of the burnt orange-red leaves all around them. everything between them was so perfect, laced with nothing but adoration. if only it would stay like this.

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