01. "Pilot"

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[For over a century, I have lived in secret, hiding in the shadows, alone in the world until now. I am a vampire and this is my story.]

"Toast, I can make toast." Aunt Jenna said, as she frantically walked around the kitchen.

"It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna." Elena guaranteed, as she started to make coffee. Delilah nodded, agreeing with her cousin.

"Is there coffee?" Jeremy walked in the kitchen, his usual emo outfit on. Ever since his parents died, he only used black.

"Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared." Elena handed Delilah a cup of coffee, who smiled at her.

"Don't worry Aunt Jenna, you're doing great." Delilah said, smiling at Jenna. Jenna wasn't really her aunt, but being raised with the Gilbert siblings, she always considered her one.

"Lunch money?" Jenna asked, handing them the money.

"I'm okay." Elena assured.

"I'll take it." Delilah took the money and gave half of it to Jeremy.

"Anything else? A number 2 pencil? What am I missing?"

"Don't you have a big presentation today?" Elena wondered.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at... Now. Crap."

"Then go. We'll be fine." Delilah promised, as she took a sip of her coffee. Jenna grabbed her stuff and left in a hurry.

"You okay?" Elena asked Jeremy, who looked numb like he did all summer long. He didn't use to be that way.

"Don't start." He grabbed his mug and left to his room.

"I'm worried about him." Elena sighed. Delilah finished her coffee and walked over to Elena.

"I know, me too. But he'll talk once he's ready." Elena gave Delilah a thankful smile.

"Bonnie's giving me a ride. Wanna come with us?" Delilah shook her head.

"I'm going to take the bus. Just because Jeremy doesn't want to talk to us doesn't mean we can't watch him."

"There she is! Delilah Gilbert, the hottest girl in town." Delilah chuckled and kissed Tyler. Tyler was her boyfriend. They were best friends since she could remember, but once they hit puberty, they decided they wanted to be something more.

"Why are you in such a good mood, huh?" She wondered and Tyler kept his arms around her waist.

"Having you as a girlfriend tends to do that." She laughed and kissed him once again. Her smile faded when she saw Jeremy and Vicki not too far from them. Tyler took the girl's hand and the both of them walked over to Jeremy and Vicki. "Hey, Vicki, I knew I'd find you here with the crack heads. Pete Wentz wants his nail polish back."

"Pete Wentz, hug? How old school TRL of you. Carson Daly fan?" From the moment you and Tyler started dating, Jeremy had made it clear he wasn't fond of the boy. But Delilah had hoped he would warm up to him eventually.

"C'mon guys, be nice." She warned them both. Jeremy rolled his eyes and walked away, annoyed. Vicki followed after.

"You know, I could kick his ass." Delilah rolled her eyes and let go off his hand.

"He's 15, Ty, and he lost his parents. Please, for me, don't tease him." He sighed and then nodded.

"Fine. But just because you're the one asking." He hugged her and spinned her around, which made her giggle.

"He was doing it in the bathroom. We gave him the summer, D, but he is not getting any better." Delilah, Elena and Bonnie were on their way to class and Elena was filling her cousin on her meeting with Jeremy in the bathroom.

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