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~All credits goes to the real owner ~

~All credits goes to the real owner ~

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Hobbies: painting, baking
Parents: not alive.
Friends: Daisy,Clara,Alex.
Siblings: only child of her parents
Cousins: Mila and Finn

Siblings: only child of her parents Cousins: Mila and Finn

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Hobbies: Gardening, Photography
Parents: Layla
Friends: Eve, Ellie
Siblings: Finn
Cousins: Larisa

Age:16Hobbies: Gardening, Photography Parents: LaylaFriends: Eve, Ellie Siblings: FinnCousins: Larisa

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Hobbies: Drawing, Sports
Parents: Layla
Friends: Owen,Aiden
Siblings: Mila
Cousins: Larisa

Age:17Hobbies: Drawing, Sports Parents: LaylaFriends: Owen,AidenSiblings: MilaCousins: Larisa

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Hobbies: Cooking,Yoga
Single Parent
Kids:Finn and Mila
Only niece Larisa

Age:30Hobbies: Cooking,YogaSingle Parent Kids:Finn and MilaOnly niece Larisa

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Hobbies: Photography, Reading
Friends: Larisa,Clara

Age:16Hobbies: Photography, Reading Friends: Larisa,Clara

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Hobbies: Drawing, Hiking
Friends: Larisa,Daisy

Age:16Hobbies: Drawing, Hiking Friends: Larisa,Daisy

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Hobbies: Drawing, Reading
Friends: Finn, Aiden

Age:17Hobbies: Drawing, Reading Friends: Finn, Aiden

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Hobbies: Hiking, Gardening
Friends: Finn,Owen

Age:17Hobbies: Hiking, Gardening Friends: Finn,Owen

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Hobbies: Swimming, Sports
Friends: Larisa

Author Neha

Hey guys. How are you all? Hope u guys r good. These r some characters. And if u want to imagine Urself it's totally fine. So hope u guys like it.

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