Chapter 50 - Awake

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A'Ying felt so refreshed suddenly. Her body felt calm and the energy circulating in her veins ran smoothly. She sat up to see she was in her transformation room at Baoshan's. A'Ying carefully stood up and walked to a table where there were fresh robes laid out. A'Ying dressed before leaving the room.

It was bright, so bright she could hardly see straight. So much so that she was suddenly engulfed by firm arms and her face was rested on a warm chest with the lingering familiar smell of sandalwood.

"Lan Zhan," she said wrapping her arms around him, "I am okay."

"I was so worried, you have been unconscious for two weeks," Wangji said sobbing, "I thought I was losing my mind."

A'Ying was shocked, two weeks? I was out cold for two weeks?

"I am so sorry, Love," A'Ying said, "I am back now. I do not understand what happened but I am okay now. You do not have to cry Love."

Wangji tightened his arms around her as he cried. A'Ying could tell that he was very worried and had to make it up to him.

"We do not have to travel anymore, we can hand the shards over and then we can rest," A'Ying said, "let's go sit and talk, huh?"

Wangji nodded and pulled her to their room and sat on the bed. A'Ying let him hold her tightly as she sat on his lap and her head on his shoulder.

"Tell me how you are feeling, Love," A'Ying said, "I am here. You are always there for me, so please talk to me."

"I had nightmares for the first time in a while," he explained, "I missed you like crazy even though you were so close by. Those nightmares made me feel worse. Seeing you die in so many different ways, it was terrible...I apologize for being like this but I was hurting. I cannot be without you A'Ying. I cannot."

A'Ying wrapped her left arm under Wangji's arm and her other hand was placed on the back of Wangji's head. She hugged him close as she lightly tangled her fingers through his hair.

"I am sorry I scared you. I did not expect that sword to have such an effect on me. I promise I will be more careful next time and I will do what I can to not scare you like this again. I want to promise you but I feel like it will be an empty promise as trouble tends to do follow me around," she explained.

Wangji chuckled and pulled back a bit as he took hold of her face in his hands, "as long as you are trying. I will do my best to protect you. We will need to communicate better in the future."

A'Ying nodded as she leaned forward and tilted her head back a bit. Her lips settled on Wangji's gently. Wangji responded immediately, but kept it chaste for a bit. Just having her lips on his again was enough. He needed to feel her again, he needed this. He had not felt this way before and it even stunned him a bit. He never realized how important she was until he felt he could lose her. He never going to take her love for granted. He would always cherish her.

"There you are," Baoshan said entering the room.

A'Ying pulled away from kissing Wangji and giggled, "sorry Wai Po, Lan Zhan was a mess. He needed me:"

"I know, I never seen him in such a state. I almost had his brother come here," Baoshan said, "it's good that he his better now that you are are you feeling?"

"I feel better," she said, "the shards...I think Wen Ruohan still has his."

"The ones you have you can give to Miao Luo, she knows what to do with them. Knowing her, she will deal with Wen Ruohan herself," Baoshan said, "I want you to focus on your family now."

"I need to get pregnant first, but Lan Zhan will always be my family," A'Ying said.

"I have been checking your hormone levels since you have been here. They are doing well, and you should be able to conceive a child anytime. I can give you a supplement to help increase your chances of getting pregnant if you want," Baoshan explained.

"Mnn, I think we will try it as it is for now, but if we are struggling, we can talk about it again," A'Ying said and looked at Wangji, "what do you say?"

"I am okay with it," Lan Wangji said, "anytime I can have a night with you is good enough. All we have to do then is let nature take its course."

A'Ying giggled, "such an animal you are," she said.

"Well, I am your animal, so you have to deal with that," Wangji told her.

"I know," A'Ying said and turned to Baoshan, "we should get those shards to Miao Luo."

Baoshan nodded, "you know the way?" The two shook their heads, "I will take you there. I am sure it will be okay with me there."

The three then got ready and left to the underworld to meet with Miao Luo, "Baoshan, it has been some time," she said.

"It has, I am only hear as my grandchildren didn't know the way," Baoshan explained, "I do want to try to make peace and maybe a truce. Find a way so that we do not have any problems or conflicts in the future."

"As a gift for helping me get those shards, I will allow this meeting to take place. You and I can sit down with the council in a few days," Miao Luo said.

"Very well," Baoshan said,

"Miao Luo," A'Ying bowed, "Wen Ruohan still has his shard otherwise the others are just here," she said handing her the Qiankun bags.

"Thank you...leave that Wen Ruohan to me," Miao Luo said.

"If you ever need help with anything like this again, feel free to reach out to me or my husband. We are always looking to help make sure the realms to stay balanced," A'Ying explained.

"I will remember that, and I am still surprised that you hold no grudges against me for the curse," Miao Luo said.

"That curse was Madam Yu's alone. You acted upon her wishes. I felt you knew I would break the curse eventually otherwise I feel like you wouldn't have done it, I don't believe you have ill-intentions at all. You were just doing your job. I may have moments where I won't forgive but I can also choose to forgive. I hold no malice to you," A'Ying said, "one female to another, we have to stick together."

"You are a clever child," she said, "and yes, I knew you'd meet your soulmate in this lifetime. I abilities to sense the future so I knew you'd be strong to fight for yourself. I wish you luck on building a family."

"Thank you," A'Ying said and then said her goodbyes and left with Baoshan and Wangji.

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