The Cruelty of Abraxas Malfoy

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Shoutout to alluringangelx , @hehatesjay, and @Nik_Is_Mine for being the first to like my new story!

   Walking back from the animal infirmary after having visited Nightshade, I had the pleasantry of running into the two Slytherins who had been the cause of this mess. Out of all those who had been there: Malfoy, Lestrange, Black, and Riddle; Abraxas had offended me the least, and thus would suffer the mildest form of my punishment. The plan was already in motion. As for these two, Black and Riddle, I wanted their punishments to haunt them for the rest of their miserable lives. 

   As the two neared, I watched Orion whisper something to Tom before Tom audibly replied, "Grow a backbone." Ignoring him, Orion stopped to speak with me and Tom followed suit. 

   "Hey, Farrah," Orion said, running a hand behind his head and through his hair as a sign of discomfort. Unlike his friend Riddle, he actually seemed sorry for what had occurred. However, that did not dissuade me from following through with what I had planned for him. He was the reason Tom had even cast that bolt of magic, after all. 

   "Hi, Orian," I said. "Tom," I acknowledged. 

   "Look," he sighed. "I just wanted to apologize for what happened to Nightshade earlier. The enchanted birds were a stupid idea. If I knew the mess they'd cause I never would have sent them." 

   Hmm, nice sentiment. But alas, he had sent them. 

   "It's alright," I said, forcing a smile. "Accidents happen and Nightshade is meant to make a full recovery so it's water under the bridge."

   "Really?" Orion relaxed. 

   Absolutely not you useless fool. 

   I nodded with an understanding smile, "I forgive you." I glanced at Riddle, "Both of you." His expression was difficult to read, but he remained silent.

   "Great," Orion smiled in return. "Oh, by the way," he reached into his pocket and pulled out the present I had left behind inside the pavilion. "You forgot this," he handed it to me. "Happy Birthday, Farrah."

   Suddenly, there was shouting before an eruption of laughter sounded from the great hall. Giving the boys a confused look as if I did not have a clue, I hurried to see what the commotion was about. However, before even entering the great hall, Malfoy ran passed us with his hands over his face and a full head of neon pink hair where his typical platinum locks used to be. I had to force myself from smiling as I looked at the two Slytherin boys in shock, as they watched their friend run for shelter toward the Slytherin dormitories. 

    I didn't understand why he was being so dramatic, the pink was sure to bring out his eyes. Better, no amount of magic would get rid of that color. Not for weeks. I had made sure of that. 

   As Black and Riddle hurried after him, I checked Malfoy off my list of revenge. 


   It seemed Karma was doing her rounds today, because my little jinx for Abraxas did not go unpunished. After eating a large plate of mashed potatoes for dinner, I was ready and headed for a good night's sleep. However, before I could reach the Hufflepuff dormitories, Penelope appeared out of thin air and grabbed my arm with a deadly grip and that horrid smile of hers. 

   "Farrrahhh," she chimed, but it sounded more like a mandrake's cry to me. "Guess what I have planned for yooouuu."

   "What?" I dared to ask, looking at her in fear. 

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