Chapter 1

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Kristine P.O.V

Its been a 9 months since Cole and I got engaged and I'll admit. Its something getting used to.

Just to think I used to wake up as just the girlfriend. Now I wake up next to my fiancé. And it's still something to get used to.

I was In the bathroom brushing my hair.

"Morning," My fiancé said as he came into the bathroom.

"Morning," I replied.

"What do you wanna do today," he asked?

"Let's just have a lazy day," I told him.

Cole smiled. "Sure thing beautiful."

With that he left to hang with everyone outside. As I heard the door close.

I couldn't help but blush. He still has this effect on me.

Cole's P.O. V

"Hey Mr. Engaged," Dalton said as I came down.

"Cole that means you get to be related to Will," Dana implied.

I looked at Will. Being related to one of my best friends.

"I prefer Will than the rest of you," I smirked.

Will had a giant smile on his face.

"Ouch," Gabe said looking at Dalton.

I looked at Dalton to see he had his hand over his heart. And had a hurt face.

"Im kidding, I love you Dalton," I said running up to him hugging him.

"Cole than why are you marrying Kristine and not me," Dalton saif all serious.

"For she also has won my heart," I responded seriously as well.

Dalton grabbed me in a meaningful hug. I can hear rest of the guys laughing.

"Whats going on here," we all look up to see the girls watching.

"Im sorry Kristine Cole loves me," Dalton told Kristine.

"Its okay Kristine youll always have me," Cloe said as she turned Kristines head towards her.

"I always knew Cole would choose Dalton," Kristine replied. "At least I have you my bubbles."

"My Rosie," Cloe said hugging Kristine.

We all started breaking out laughing.

Soon Cloe let go of Kristine. and Kristine ran into my arms.

I couldnt help but smile.

"Babe your the only one who has my heart," Kristine told me.

"And your the only one who has mine."

2 hours later.

Kristine's P.O.V

As I put my Pajamas on. I heard the door open.

I look to see Cole.

"Everyone left so we have the house to ourselves," Cole said.

I nodded.

"I'll go make us some..." I was talking but.

"Cookies," Cole beat me to it.

I nodded.

With that Cole Changed and my cookies were in the oven.

This is gonna be one hectic of a year.

I just can't wait to marry this man.

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