the club room

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I stepped into the carpeted room, pushing the door gently in front of me. I was extremely early today because the teacher let us out early and I just didn't have an appetite. I had been late almost every day for rehearsals when we first started, but I thought it might be better to just try and be early.

To my surprise, Sean was already in there. His hoodie was laying perfectly on the table next to his neatly placed computer. It reminded me of when Sean told me he works better in a clean, opened area. Resulting in his desk always looking clear. He had a t-shirt on and it was basically the same color as his hoodie strings, just lighter.

"Sean? Why are you here so early?" I ask. Sean is never first to rehearsals, his class being upstairs and all. He looks up and removes his headphones. I thought i'd have to repeat the question, but Sean was already answering.

"Well, i always have time to set up," He paused for a bit, looking down at the computer and then finished. "I just had extra time to get down here, class let out early."

"Oh, alright." I looked around the room and took it in. Of course i knew what it looked like, but there was something different this time. I really took it in today. The blue carpet matched against the tan walls, the three perfectly hung guitars, Luke's drum set neatly tucked in the corner, Zander's piano that only him, his mom and sister, and his boyfriend could touch. And even they weren't really allowed to. Jake inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, exhaling. The door burst open.

"Who's ready to make some noise!?" Milly screamed the question. She was the reason we got in trouble most of the time, Milly is really loud. I turned around and gave a soft smile.

"Jake!!" Milly screamed. She jumped up and hugged me really tight. Oh yeah, they hadn't seen me since Friday.

"Is your cheek okay? Did i slap you too hard? If so, you can slap me back, I swear!" I chuckled.

"Nah, it's fine. The worst you've done was when you gave me that black eye." I laughed. She smiled.

"Okay, good." I turned back around to watch Milly get her guitar.

"Welcome back, Jake." Zander placed his hand on my shoulder. He didn't have it there long or anything. He just kind of, brushed his hand against it while walking. I got really happy for no reason. Wait, there was a reason. Alexander Wickham, had...been nice to me? Zander shows his affection in weird ways. He's mean to most of his friends. I always thought Zander meant it but i guess he doesn't? I took it as a sort-of apology and moved on.

15 minutes later

Sean and I got partnered to work together on the song beats and main vocals. Basically, i sung and he moved things around to see what we wanted for the song. We joked a lot and barely got any work done. It was definitely worth it because i never realized how pretty Sean's smile is before.

"Okay, okay. We really need to work." Sean wiped a tear from his eye from laughing so hard. I walked around to table and looked over Sean's shoulder to watch him. Sean did everything super fast and let me listen after. It sounded really good for us only working for like 5 minutes.

"This is really good Sean!" I took my hands off the table and crossed them.

"Why thank you!" Sean leaned back and put his hands behind his head. He pushed his chair up and leaned on it a little too far, causing him and the chair to go to the ground. I crouched down and started wheezing, Sean winced in pain but started laughing right after.

"Are you okay?" I managed to get out in between laughs.

"Sean! What happened are you okay?" Milly walked over. Sean was stabilizing himself and finally off the ground.

"You're so dumb." Milly smacked the back of his head and walked back to Hailey. Sean and I couldn't look at each other without giggling for the rest of rehearsal.

word count: 719
this is shorter than i intended but i got a lil lazy at the end, which is why i made sean fall. also! keep in mind, i am very new to writing so tips are always welcomed!! also, if you notice i make a capitalization mistake, ignore it. i am not good at remembering to do that.

I also think the povs will alter with each part. So something like-
sean, jake, sean, jake, and maybe a third person pov? idk yet.

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