the aftermath

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I awoke to see Jake curled up next to my chest. I tightened my arms around him to hug him harder than i had been. I felt Jake wake up and stretch.

"Morning," I yawned before finishing my sentence. "Jake." I pecked his forehead lightly.

"Good morning." He yawned too. I groggily rubbed my eyes and looked around. Jake and I were the only ones in the living room.

"Make waffles!!" I heard Milly shout from the kitchen. I got up and walked to the kitchen. Jake wanted to stay on the couch and sleep some more.

"No we should make pancakes!" I rounded the corner of the kitchen. Luke and Milly were fighting over what to eat for breakfast. Zander had a skillet, some eggs, bacon, and milk sitting on the counter. He was pressed up against it with his arms crossed, tiredly looking at them fight.

"Morning Sean." Hailey yawned as she laid her head on her hand. She was at the island of their counter on a stool. Luke and Milly looked at me.

"So, how was your sleep with Jake last night?" Milly teased. Luke smirked. My face began to burn up and I got flustered.

"Uh, it was...nice?" Jake walked passed me and sat at the island next to Hailey.

"Morning." He rubbed his eyes.

"How did you two even end up on the same couch? You two slept separately last night." Zander flipped the bacon over. Jake immediately turned red.

"Well, uh. We...uhm." He's so cute when he's flustered. 

"I got cold in the middle of the night." I chuckled. Jake has never been good at lies.

"You mean lonely?" He looked at me and laughed.

"Yeah. Lonely."

*After breakfast* - Jakes Pov

We all finished packing and we were just hanging out until our parents came to get us.

"Oh, thats my mom. It should be yours too. Right, Jake?" Sean winked at me, signaling for me to lie. We decided to hang out with each other a little longer, we told our moms we were all going to the mall after eating.

"Oh, yeah! We'll see you guys later, bye!" Sean and I walked out. We started walking to the mall and talked.

"So, this will be our date, right?" Sean reached for my hand and held it tightly.

"No, not officially. This is more of a date...trial." Sean laughed.

"A date trial? I need a trial to see if you're worthy to go out with me?" I thought for a second, then responded.

"Hm. Yeah, I guess." We both laughed.

"Well. So far? I think you're great." I felt myself blush. I hid my face from him so he wouldn't see how flustered i got.

"I can still see your face, sweetheart." He teased. I got even more flustered when he said that. Why is he so good at flirting with me?? I'm supposed to be the flirty one.

We finally made it to the mall and decided to go look at different things. Sean wanted to look at the arcade they recently added and i wanted to look at the new store they had.

I looked around the store. They had some really nice headphones. My mind immediately went to Sean. They looked exactly like something he'd love. I picked them up and took a good look at them. They were a deep, bold, black color with dark blue accents. They were wireless and i thought of how he complained about his headphones getting in the way of cleaning because of the wires. They were a good price, too. Only $25. I took them to the checkout.

"Did you find everything alright?" The cashier rung me up.

"I did!" I shoved my hands into my pockets and looked around.

"Is this a gift?" She asked. I handed her the money.

"Yeah. It's for a...friend." She handed me the headphones in a bag.

"Well, I hope they like it!"

"Me too." I walked out and went to go find Sean. He walked out of the arcade with a microphone plush.

"I saw this and thought of you..." I said as I handed him the bag. "What's up with the microphone?"

"Well," Sean took the bag. "I saw this and I had to get it for you." He handed me the plush.

"Awe. Thank you Sean! Its so cool!" Sean smiled.

"What did you get me?" He looked in the bag and took the headphones out.

"Oh wow, Jake!! This is awesome! I love it!" Sean put them back in the bag and hugged me tightly. I felt my face heat up. I don't know why but everything he does gets me flustered. I pull away from him and check the time.


We told our moms to pick us up at 11 so we leave and go to our moms cars.

word count: 814

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