Chapter 27. Drive

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"Would it really kill you if we kissed." ~ Halsey

January 8, 2025: Hong Kong Shatterdome, China

I didn't leave my room for the rest of the day. How could I? Everyone in the 'Dome was mad at me at the moment. I couldn't even blame them, I almost blew up our only remaining base, and I nearly broke Chuck Hansen's arm.

I'd been avoiding leaving for as long as I could, but I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast this morning. It had been nearly 12 hours since I got something in my system last and I was absolutely starving.

After internally debating for a half hour whether I should just stay in my room and starve or actually face reality, I finally pushed myself off of my bed and stepped out the door.

I instantly regretted my decision.

As soon as I stepped into the hall, anyone and everyone who was there stopped whatever they were doing and stared at me. I couldn't just run back into my room and hide.

I sighed in defeat as I walked down the hall, trying to pretend that their stares didn't bother me. Maybe I'd find Mako or Abby and they'd be willing to sit with my sorry ass.

As I made my way into the mess hall, the room that was once full of chatter slowly diminished with every step I took. It wasn't until I was fully down the stairs towards the tables that I realized all eyes were on me.

Well, me and one other person.

Standing in front of me, looking just as uncomfortable about the whole situation was Raleigh Becket.

We both made eye contact, sharing the same sympathetic look towards each other. Seeing as I was too scared to even move a muscle as I held my food tray, Raleigh made his way towards me.

He held his tray with one hand, placing the other on my lower back as he lead me away from all the eyes surrounding us. "Come on," He spook lowly, looking down at me with a smile. "Let's go find somewhere quiet."


As we sat out on the gantry overlooking Gipsy Danger, neither of us spoke a word as we scarfed down our food. It seemed like Raleigh also hadn't left his room since the incident with the Marshal.

Apparently the dumbass broke every rule in the book by simply touching the Marshal. I was genuinely surprised that he wasn't kicked out of the Shatterdome for that.

But there he was, sitting next to me as he shoved his mashed potatoes into his mouth. It was a comfortable as we stared up at the beautiful machine in front of us.

"I'm sorry I didn't warn you." Raleigh spoke suddenly, breaking the silence between the two of us.

I looked over at him in confusion, furrowing my brows together as I finished chewing my piece of bread. 

"About the memory of Yancy." Raleigh clarified, a hint of pain flashing across his face at even saying the name of his brother.

I gave him a understanding look as I flashed him a half smile. I placed the remainder of my bread back on my tray as I reached for both of Raleigh's hands, holding them tightly in mine.

"It's okay, Rals." I pursed my lips together, swallowing back the lump in my throat as I thought about that night. "I'm sorry I couldn't do more to save you guys."

I never really talked about that night with anyone. Nobody else except the Marshal and Tendo understood the pain I experienced that night. Nobody knew the guilt that I harboured, wishing I could've done something to change that outcome.

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