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Hi! This is my first story so I would appreciate any constructive criticism or notes you might have on the story! Each chapter will be labeled with the character's POV to make things less confusing. So let's get started I guess

( this chapter starts right when they got out of the portal)

                                                                                 -Saturday-  (hunter)

"King!" Luz cried out as we all stared at the door. I looked around at everyone's faces and realized that everyone was just as scared. Gus dropped to the ground and started to cry. I felt bad for him, he was only twelve and this must be the most terrifying for him out of all of us. 

It was raining, and although it didn't boil it still cast a dark, sad feeling over the realm.

We got to Luz's house, and her mother opened the door. I could almost immediately see on her face that she cared a lot about Luz

"I hope she will feel the same about us.."  I thought but instantly brushed it away. We weren't her kids after all, we shouldn't be her burden either. 

To my slight surprise, she welcomed us in and gave us food and rooms to sleep in. I and Gus got settled in the basement and were going to sleep when I heard soft crying.

"Hey Gus, are you okay?" I asked

He sniffled "Yeah.."  he replied but I wasn't convinced.

"Are you sure?" 

"I-I'm just scared that we might not be able to get home and we'll be stuck here and imeanilikeitherebutialsowantto-" he said, starting to panic

"Hey- hey it's going to be okay," I told him despite the fact that I didn't actually know that it would be, but it seemed like the right thing to say. "Just breathe" and we did the breathing technique that he showed me when he helped me calm down at hexside.

"Thanks, hunter, I feel a lot better now," he said

Something about what he said made me feel good too.



                                                                          -Sunday- (hunter)

When I woke up this morning a sweet smell filled the house. I noticed that Gus had already left the basement so I checked the clock and saw the time "9:30!" I almost said out loud as I read it. I started to panic thinking that I woke up 3 and a half hours late and Belos was going to kill me but then calmed down when I realized that I was in the human realm, far away from below, and the coven. 

"Idiot," I whispered to myself realizing I panicked for no reason.

"Now to find out what that smell is"

I walked upstairs and into the kitchen where I saw my friends eating some sort of rolled-up bread circles covered in something sweet and sticky.

"They're  called cinnamon rolls," Willow told me " and I love them!" I got a strange feeling in my stomach that made me feel really good and a little sick(?) at the same time. I've been feeling this way around Willow more and more lately and I'm not really sure why, but I just like to be around her. I sat down and decided to eat one of these "cinnamon rolls" i bit into one and oh my Titan they were the best things I've ever tasted. It was sweet and warm and made me want to eat every cinnamon roll on the face of the earth. 

"Wow, these are  really good," I said 

"Have I ever steered you wrong before?" Willow replied playfully

Here comes that feeling again.

Hi. Yes, this chapter was very short but only because it's the first one and I'm tired. I feel like it's really bad but let me know what you think! i promise the writing in the other chapters will be better and easier to follow, i realized that the story moved kind of fast at the start lol.  Bye for now.


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